How to get a certificate inn

How to get a certificate inn

The taxpayer identification number (hereinafter - INN) is an integral attribute of everyday life involved not only in the system of tax accounting, but also the economic, social and other spheres of human life. Such a digital code is assigned to every physical and legal entity in the Russian Federation at birth or at the time of registration of the organization. And to all other persons under the jurisdiction of the state - when they appeal to the tax authority. Consider in the article all the well-known ways of obtaining the certificate of the Inn.

Why do you need an inn

This individual number is primarily necessary to control the tax deductions. Using it, the corresponding instance easily produces the data accounting process, as well as determines the amount of tax revenues to the "KazNU" of the state, identifying each payer In addition, the number of the number under consideration facilitates many social and domestic events. The paper with the specified code issued by the inspection is evidence of the INN (hereinafter - the certificate).

Who puts the Inn

It is possible to conditionally allocate four groups of citizens who are available on request a special certificate with identification number:

  • ordinary individuals, including children;
  • legal entities;
  • individual entrepreneurs (IP);
  • foreign organizations.

The corresponding testimony of any specified person is issued once and only after the death of a person or liquidation of the enterprise is invalid. By the way, receiving a certificate for individuals is not a prerequisite. As a rule, the first need for its presence occurs when a device for work. Although when receiving loans, benefits and other INN activities is a mandatory document.


If you fall into this group, then the legislation provides for three options for communications with tax authorities:

  1. Personal contact. Contact the inspection located at the place of your registration. In the case when a citizen of Russia has no registration, it is necessary to go to the tax, where any of its property (real estate, machine, etc.) was recorded. Determine the location of the organ by using federal Tax Service (hereinafter - FTS).
  2. Through the Internet. And in the World Wide Web, there are several official services, visiting which you can get paper with TIN:
    • Tax Service Portal. To do this, in the list of electronic services, select registration and fill in the on-screen statement. The maximum term of its processing is 15 days. After the query status changes, you can receive a document in the ways specified on web service (Standard paper or its electronic version).
    • Site State Service. The template for completing the application for issuing a certificate is in the section "Taxes and fees". The subsequent procedure is similar to those described above.
  3. Postal connection. Send an application to the established form with receipt notice. To him, at mandatory, attach a copy of the passport, certified notarized.

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An individual with the status "Individual Entrepreneur" may receive a testimony both during the registration of its form of activity and to this point on the principle described for ordinary citizens.

Legal entities

If you are an organization of any form of activity, then the certificate of assigning the INN will be able to receive at the time of registration of your legal entity at the place of treatment. In this case, besides the list of constituent documents, fill in a special application form required for tax accounting. For foreign organizations, the procedure for obtaining evidence is similar.


If the primary appeal for the evidence is free, then the subsequent requires payment of state duty in the amount of 300 p. A duplicate with a printed number can only be taken with a personal appeal to the department. The established form of application in this case is not provided. Therefore, the document is issued in free writing in the name of the head of the FTS.

Application for obtaining duplicate TIN certificate here.

An example of an application for a duplicate certificate of Inn here.

To acquire a certificate of formulation for tax accounting, it is not necessary to perform complex actions, and just to file an approved statement form. In the legislation established by the Five Day, the requested document will be in your hands.

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