Passport allows a person to be a full-fledged citizen of the country, feel his belonging to her and be responsible for her fate. The internal Russian passport receives the persons who have reached the 14th anniversary. Very quickly and just go through this procedure will help know some rules.
The first and main condition for obtaining a passport is Russian citizenship. It is confirmed by one of the documents: insertion in the birth certificate; The Russian passport of one of the parents or another legal representative, where the child is inscribed. If there is no confirmation, citizenship should be obtained urgently: for a person over 14, birth certificate does not serve as an identity card.Nepalization of the passport within 30 days after execution of 14 years is punishable by an administrative penalty (the amount is small, but it should be remembered that it increases with each month).
It should be remembered that without a personality certificate of a teenager who has reached the age of 14 will not be allowed neither into an airborne or a train, he will not be able to participate in international competitions, to enter some courses and many more unpleasant moments associated with the absence of a passport. Therefore, it is not worth tightening with it.