How to restore the passport when losing

How to restore the passport when losing

If you have lost your passport, it is necessary to contact the police with the relevant statement. This will protect you from various scams that can take advantage of the situation - to issue a loan in your name or register a single-day company. After receiving a coupon confirming the disappearance of a document, you can order a passport recovery service in any division of the FMS. Let's look at the procedure more detailed.

To restore passport, we recommend using the site. all useful information is indicated. To do this, open the "Public Services" tab.

Select "Popular" - "By category" - "Citizenship, registration, visa" - "Obtaining a passport".

In the window that opens, click on the last item.

To the right you will be available to the list of services related to the passport replacement, among them there are necessary to us. Clay "issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the event of a loss of passport". To simplify the task, you can immediately go to link.

The procedure for replacing the passport on the loss takes about ten days after receiving the package departments of the required documentation, if the passport is issued at the place of residence. Also, these deadlines are kept if the lost passport was issued by this unit earlier.

However, in some cases, you will have to wait 2 months from the day when the reception of documents were taken. Namely:

  1. When the passport is made not at the place of residence;
  2. If he was issued by another unit.

Statement in the police You can download from us.

After reading the information, feel free to click " Get a service" Now you should fill out the form, make all the necessary information that is requested that the system can perform processing.

If you are all done correctly, then you will receive a positive answer at all stages. After public workers, an email will be sent to you. It will contain a proposal to prepare a package of documentation and pay for the service (500 rubles).

The territorial body of the department should be treated with such documents:

  • The statement that you lost your passport, or have you been stolen.
  • Application for issuing a document.
  • Documents that are used for marks in the passport (military card confirming the registration documents, the birth certificates of children, certificate of registration or termination of marriage, etc.).
  • Document on belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Coupon, which proves the registration of the incident.
  • Receipt of payment of duty (500 rubles).
  • Photo for passport. Detailed description of documents and requirements - here.

If the system issued a negative answer, you will also receive an email with the causes of failure. We give the most common foundations that serve to refuse the service, focusing on the official a source:

  1. The lack of the person who wishes to order the service, the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. There is no statement about the disappearance (loss) of the document with all the circumstances;
  3. Unreliable information specified by the applicant;
  4. Citizen has not reached a 14 year old;
  5. Lack of a receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. If a complete package of documents was not provided, for example, if there is no signature of a citizen certified by an authorized employee, there is no birth certificate;
  7. In the presence of documents decorated in a foreign language (need to be transferred).

The grounds for suspending the service are as follows. A citizen did not appear after a passport within 3 days after he was informed about his readiness (when applying through a single portal). After a month, if the applicant never appeared, his application is canceled, and to obtain a passport, it is necessary to start the entire procedure first.

Passport recovery application on our website.

An example of a completed statement of passport recovery we have.

Thus, using the site will be able to avoid long queues when recovering a passport by outer, ordering the service without leaving home.

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