How to restore disability

How to restore disability

If at the next medical and social expert commission (IECE), you changed a group of disability or removed it at all, do not despair. It can be restored by a legitimate way, if, of course, there are grounds for this.

Under disabilities, understand full or partial loss of disability. In order for a person to be recognized as a disabled person, he must have a serious illness or an innate defect. A disability group is determined by the Special Commission (medical and social expertise is held - ITU). It must be confirmed annually (in some cases it happens every 2 years, some disabled groups are given for life). If the next confirmation of the IEC will decide that a person went on amendment, a positive dynamics of the patient's condition appeared, the disability can be removed.


To restore a group of disability, the results of all surveys conducted should be collected. At the attending physician it is necessary to take the direction of ITU, the solution of the commission is also useful, according to the results of which the disability was removed. Having all the specified documents, write a letter to the Bureau, which conducted the latest expertise (or immediately to the MSU General Bureau). It is important to have to apply for a month from the moment the group has been removed or translated to another. In circulation, you should specify your disagreement with the results of ITU. No later than 3 days from the date of receipt of your letter, the ITU bureau should send your application and the necessary documents to the Main Bureau. Based on your application for a month, re-ITU must be appointed in another composition. This commission may refute the decision of the previous one (i.e., leave the group) or agree that the patient's group is not supposed (or is laid, but the other).


If a solution still will not be in your favor, write an application to the Bureau ITU higher levels: federal (will be involved senior management). If you repeatedly have been denied awarding disability can go to court with a claim. On this issue, the limitation period is 3 years. If the judicial decision of both commissions is held invalid, the Group reversed. The entire property damage will be refunded.


Until 2005, the assignment of disability took place a little bit easier. The patient's condition was assessed on such indicators:

  • ability to work;
  • the ability to self-service;
  • ability to communicate;
  • ability to orientation;
  • ability to learn;
  • ability to move;
  • the ability to control behavior.

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If there was a least one of the listed items, a person could count on Group III disability. According to the order of the Ministry of Health №535 preference is given to the first criterion (assessed as limited citizen labor activity). In addition, it should be affected by several categories, and not one of them. Thus, the approach to the assignment of disability become much stricter.

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In the article " How do I get a disability"You can find examples of documents that will be useful to you. Also download our:

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Restore removed disability is quite possible if the patient's health condition remains serious, serious problems. Of course, you have to spend time and effort. The main thing is not to despair and to seek the truth!

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