What pension are disabled

What pension are disabled

Russia is a socially oriented Power, which is aimed at the policy of support and material support of disabled segments of the population. Such assistance is expressed in pension and social accruals for needing citizens, as well as various benefits. In this category of residents first of all disabled people. However, many of them do not know what allowance to them. We'll figure it out what pension is disabled.

General concepts

Disability pension is assumed to all members of society, whose incapacity is confirmed officially. The procedure for obtaining the status of the disabled is settled at the legislative level and is held with the participation of the medical commission. The right to receive monetary "support" from the state is guaranteed FZ No. 173. and FZ No. 166.. The first document regulates the accrual of a labor pension for disabilities, the second applies to all state payments. The social benefits can count out incapable citizens from birth, children with disabilities, and those who do not have official employment experience.

More information about the accrual mechanisms and those who have such a pension, read in the article of our site. "How a disability pension is charged".

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Labor pension

The main condition for the accrual of payments in this case is the recognized disability and the presence of minimal employment experience. This magnitude is mainly affected by:

  1. A group of disability.
  2. The composition of the disabled family, namely the number of dependents on his care.

Relying on these main indicators, a fixed basic pension size is established.

The rest are the following factors:

  • insurance experience for all work activities;
  • the accumulated amount of insurance premiums from a citizen in the Pension Fund.

The experience required for the accrual of a labor pension on disability depends on the age of a person. Its values \u200b\u200bare shown in the figure below.

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Size of labor pension benefit

The formula for which the amount of pension is determined for a particularly brought disabled, is prescribed in 15 Article FZ No. 173:

N \u003d pc / (t x k) + b

The designations of the values \u200b\u200bfrom the formula are shown in the figure.

Do not forget that disability payments are indexed. Therefore, their amount will increase annually, depending on the established indexing coefficient. To date, this indicator is equal to the value of 1.017, which applies to the insurance part of labor assistance.

The size of the future disability benefits can be found in several clicks using calculator from the Pension Fund.

Social pension

All disabled citizens of our country have the right to a social retirement on disability. It depends on the annual indexing coefficient applied to the basic amounts of the benefits that are specified in article 18 of the Federal Law No. 166 For each individual category of disabled. For information: In 2015, this figure is equal to 1,103 ( sughdle. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 247). Those. The fixed amount of the benefit increases by 10.3%.

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State pension

The amount of payment for those who fall under state pension provision depends on a group of disabilities and who is a citizen. For each category of persons with disabilities, its percentage applied to the base boss of the social pension is provided. With increasing payments due to indexation - the amount of the state pension increases. An example of calculating the amount can be seen in the table below.

It is worth noting that there is a notion of "lump-sum payout" of two pensions to one citizen. Mostly such privileges can take advantage of WFI and disabled children who have lost their breadwinner.

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