How to calculate the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

How to calculate the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Work in law enforcement agencies has always differed in complexity, danger and mandatory availability of professionalism. Such a specialty refers to the category of "high risk" and implies certain benefits and surcharges. This applies not only to working citizens, but also military pensioners. In the article, let's talk about how to calculate the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and which criteria exist for its accrual.

Basic concepts

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pays a pension in such cases:

  • upon service of years;
  • in case of loss of the breadwinner;
  • in case of disability.

The last two types of pension are possible if the military at that time was in the service or from the moment of his dismissal passed no more than three months.

In addition, certain criteria should be performed for the accrual of pensions:

  1. Availability of military experience for a period of 20 years and more.
  2. The presence of a common employment experience is at least 25 years old, 12 of which should have to serve in organs.

The basic concepts on the accrual and payment of pensions of military personnel are given in Federal Law No. 4468-1.

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Long service pension

When calculating this type of payments, important nuances should be taken into account:

  1. If the service is more than 20 years old, the base amount of the pension is defined as 50% of the monthly content for 20 years of service. For each subsequent year there is a surcharge of 3% of the sum of contentment. There is a maximum "plank" accrual - this is 85% of the contentment of the former military.
  2. If the work experience of more than 25 years (12 of which falls on military service), the amount of payments includes 50% of allowances for 25 years, plus 1% of surcharge for each subsequent year. There are no restrictions on the maximum amount of pension in this case ( art. 14 FZ №4468-1).

Important: The minimum amount of the pension provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be found in Federal Law No. 166-FZ.

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Calculation technology and examples

The amount of pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs affects:

  1. Experience and its duration.
  2. Official salary.
  3. The title and level of qualification.
  4. Supplement for long service.
  5. Preferential premiums (if any).

To determine the Pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all of the above values \u200b\u200bare summed up. The resulting value is multiplied by a percentage of money content, and then adjusted to the district coefficient and indexing indicator.

The formula for calculating and its conditional notation is shown in the figure below.

Important: The indexing coefficient annually increases its value. At the beginning of 2015, it was 62.12%. For independent calculations you need to take the latest data.

Formula MVD.

Consider an example. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the resignation of Mikhailenko has a serving of 22 years. His job salary - 12500 rubles, salary by rank - 8500 rubles, and the allowance - 30% (6300 rubles). Folding all these quantities, we will get a total amount of your satisfaction - 27,300 rubles. Then correct the figure on the indexation and the satisfaction ratio: 27300 * 56% * 62.12 (indexation level for 2015). As a result, the pension of a citizen Mikhailenko will make 9496 rubles.

Detailed examples of calculus can be downloaded here.

Information: Use an online calculator for calculating the Pension MIA - this will significantly save your strength and time.

Calcula Pension MVD.

Pension due to the loss of the breadwinner

This type of payment is intended for the military family in the event of his death in the service or within 3 months from the moment of dismissal. Its accrual is possible after the specified period, but if the injury or injury was obtained at the time of the service.

The calculation of the pension in this case is as follows:

  1. If death is associated with injury or injury in the execution of military duties - 50% of the monetary allowance for each disabled family member is relying.
  2. If the death of the military was due to the caregings, 40% of his satisfaction for each disabled family member is accrued ( art. 36 of Law No. 4468-1.).

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Disability pension

The conditions for appointing such a type of state support is similar to the pension for the loss of the breadwinner. The fact of disability must be confirmed by the Special Medical Commission and is recorded in the IEC Protocol. Factors causing a specific disease can be:

  • wound;
  • strong injury or blow;
  • contusion;
  • a sharp inflammatory process associated with professional activities.

Pension dimensions are established depending on the degree of disability. The procedure for their calculation is given in art. 22 of the above law (Figure below).


Possiping to pension

In addition to the principal amount of long service pensions, the legislative level approved a list of persons who have the right to surcharge. These citizens include:

    1. Persons with disabilities 1 group (100% surcharge).
    2. Pensioners without official employment:
      • with 1 disabled family member (32% surcharge);
      • with 2 disabled family members (64% of surcharges);
      • with 3 and more disabled family members (100% surcharge).
    3. Went participants (32% surcharge).
    4. Persons who have reached the 80 years (64% of surcharge).


Second pension

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition to a military pension, have the right to receive a conventional retirement by age. Basic requirements for its purpose:

  1. Achieving retirement age (60 - men and 55 years for women).
  2. The presence of non-war insurance experience is at least 6 years.

For registration of this type of pension, prepare a pre-pack of documentation comprising:

  • passports;
  • insured certificate;
  • labor book;
  • paper confirming the accrual of a military pension;
  • income certificates (on demand).

The address of the nearest branch of the PF and the full list of necessary documentation can be viewed on their official website.

Download on our website:

  1. A complete list of documents required to obtain a civilian pension.
  2. Basic rules for the accrual of civil pension.
  3. Conditions for the accrual and procedure for calculating a civil pension.
  4. Application form on the appointment of a pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. The completed application form appointment appointment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Blank application for delivery of a pension.
  7. Filled blank application for delivery of pension.
  8. List of district coefficients (for calculating the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
  9. List of salary in military position required for calculating pension.

Site Fonla

Knowing the main legislative aspects, the independent calculation is completely simple. As an assistant, you can use an online calculator determination of the Pension MIA and the recommendations of our article.

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