Pension age is not a reason for termination of work. So, many older people continue to accumulate the work experience and at the same time receive benefits by age. The first thing that is interested in this category of citizens is what the sum of their future accruals. But it is possible to calculate the size of the underlying pension in advance. Let's figure it out how to make a working pensioner.
Until 2015, the pension calculation process was quite simple: the amount of state aid directly depended on the deductions to the Pension Fund. Currently, the pension system has undergone numerous changes. The latter reform modified the procedure for accrual of payments. So, now, when calculating the amount of age benefits, the two main components are taken into account: the accumulative part of the pension and insurance. These two concepts are defined by the laws of the Russian Federation № 400-ФЗ and 424-FZ.. The amount of pension is calculated on the basis of different laws, depending on when it has arisen.
Basic concepts
Innovations, touched by old age payments, introduced new concepts and nuances in everyday life:
- The usual pension is divided into independent views. Separately, the insurance part and accumulative is now calculated from each other.
- The insurance pension will be accrued in the coefficients called by points.
- The calculation of pension points affect:
- the amount of deductions in the PF;
- seniority;
- the period of contacting the accrual of payments (when retirement age is reached or later than the set date);
- socio-significant periods of life (army service, child-disabled child, etc.).
The minimum work experience required to go to the labor pension will grow annually. In 2025, it will reach the mark of 15 years.
The calculation of the pension in a new way will affect mainly novice labor activities in 2015. For those who become a pensioner earlier, it will be provided with its recalculation. Thus, working retirees the amount of payments is guaranteed to grow.
Insurance pension
Labor allowance from this year began to be called an insurance pension. For its calculation, the formula is used:
Feel \u003d IPK * SPK
Designations of values \u200b\u200bare provided in the figure.
The cost of the score changes annually taking into account inflation. For reference: For 2015, this indicator was 64.10 rubles.
The pension coefficient is determined like this:
IPK \u003d (IPKS + IPKN) x kkm
The conventions in the formula are decrypted below.
The total amount of pension for those who continue to work is determined as the amount established by the law of a fixed payment (FV) and the size of the joint venture. The formula for calculation looks like this:
Pension \u003d FV + SP
Fixed payout size in 2015 is set in the amount of 3935 rubles.
Download on our resource:
- Requirements in the accrual of insurance pension;
- Rules for calculating labor pension by age;
Counting points
Pension coefficients depend:
- From the maximum amount of wages (in 2015, 59250 per month).
- From the cost of the score.
These values \u200b\u200bare established annually and are written in federal laws. Since 2015, the standard IPC 6.6 points will be installed for all pensioners. In the future, he will grow every year (maximum 10 units per year).
Calculation of points, depending on the earnings, is shown in the figure.
Download on our website:
- List of documents for labor pension;
- Statement on the appointment of pension;
- An example of a pension appointment.
Recalculation of pensions
According to the changed order, recalculation of the pension continuing will work, as before, in August of each year. However, it will be calculated depending on the insurance premiums on the facial account of the PF for the previous calendar year. In addition, their maximum threshold is equal to 3 pension points. The innovations will take effect since 2016, and the features of 2015 recalculation are to use the old formula, but the calculation of insurance premiums are taken into account.
Main thought
The main goal of the new law is to stimulate a pensioner for further work. If, after achieving the established age, a person did not appeal to the employment benefit, it will be charged additional points for each year of the pass. Thus, in the future, when applying, it will receive an increased retirement taking into account the ancient coefficients. For 5 years of pass, the insurance pension will grow by 45%.
We advise when counting the amount of pensions use the online calculator placed on site Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There you can see the size of the benefits calculated on the new and old formula, and compare their values.
Accumulative pension
This indicator is calculated in the old age ( article 7 of FZ No. 424):
Np \u003d nn / t
Deciphering designations can be seen in the figure below. This amount of pension is formed at the request of the worker and is deducted in a 10 percent amount of the amount earned.
As before, if you continue to work after retirement, the amount of the benefit will increase annually. Pension points will affect her growth, and recalculation of retirement will happen on the new formula since 2016.