Pension translation to non-state fund

Pension translation to non-state fund

Every year the non-state pension funds of Russia (NPF) increase their activities. Such popularity is primarily due to the attractiveness of interest rates and ease of service in such organizations. At the same time, the NPF activity is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which provides pensioners the safety of invested funds. Let's analyze in more detail what the advantages of the transition to the non-state fund, as well as consider the procedure for transferring the pension.

Payments through NPF: All "For" and "Against"

Before transferring a pension to a non-state organization, you need to explore all the advantages and disadvantages of this solution.

The main advantages of NPF include:

  1. Possibility of choice. This applies to both the structure and pension contributions. The depositor can determine the amount of deductions, frequency, as well as the procedure for their receipt in the future.
  2. The right of inheritance. The pensioner can conclude an agreement with the NPF in favor of third parties. This means that in the event of the death of the depositor, the amount of accumulated funds will take heirs.
  3. The level of profitability. Interesting interest rates in the NPF are much more pleasant than the amount of retirement funds received from the state.
  4. Mobility. The pensioner can remotely manage its money through the online office, and almost all commercial funds provide such a service. Even if the contributor moves to live abroad, he has the right to accumulate funds through the NPF of Russia, while annually confirming his intentions in documentary order.
  5. Operational termination of the contract. The pensioner at any time can change its solution in favor of another commercial structure or state pension fund of the Russian Federation. The termination of the contract with the NPF implies the payment of accumulated funds, taking into account investment income.

There are also certain "risks" associated with the transfer of pensions to the non-state fund:

  1. Lack of a complete guarantee of retirement payments. There is a risk that the commercial structure can close and ultimately partially do not fulfill its obligations.
  2. All payments and deductions are only in national currency.
  3. Tax obligations. The depositor can only receive his money when the retirement age and paying tax fees in the state treasury.
  4. The frequency of payments. The date of receipt of the pension can be regulated, but not more often once a month or quarter.

Advice: Selecting the non-state fund, evaluate the level of reliability according to reviews rating companies. Decent NPFs always have a large customer base and the constant constituent composition. You should not pay attention to stocks and overestimated interest rates - it may be a "trick" of fraudsters.

Picture ratings

Conclusion of the Treaty

So, you decided on the transition to the NPF. To do this, contact your chosen establishment with such a package of documents:

  • original SNILS;
  • certificate of assigning an identification code;
  • copy and original passport.

Before signing a contract with a commercial organization, it is strongly recommended to learn all the terms of cooperation or show the document template to an experienced lawyer. Remember that the contract must comply with the requirements of the current legislation (Article 12 RF Law "On Non-State Pension Funds").

Download right now:

  1. Typical cooperation agreement with NPF.
  2. Filled sample cooperation agreement with NPF.
  3. Typical Questionnaire Customer-Pensioner NPF.
  4. A typical application for changing the client's data in a cooperation agreement with NPF.
  5. Approximate sample filling out a questionnaire about changing the client's data in a cooperation agreement with NPF.

Pens Contract

Pension translation conditions

After the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the NPF, you can only report this fact to the Russian Pension Fund. For this:

  1. Subject to transition in three copies (for yourself, NPF and state PF).
  2. Pass it into a pension fund convenient for you: personally, courier or registered letter.

According to the Cooperation Agreement with the NPF, your company undertakes to transfer pension contributions monthly, which you have the right to independently increase by the urgent capital.

It is important: to transfer the application for the transfer of pension to the end of this year (December 31 inclusive).

Download on our website:

  1. Sample sample filling out a pension transfer in NPF.
  2. Typical sample application when transferring pensions from the state-owned non-state fund.
  3. Sample application when transferring pensions from one NPF to another NPF.
  4. Filled sample application for the transfer of pension from one NPF to another NPF.
  5. Model sample application for the payment of a one-time amount of accumulated funds with NPF.
  6. Typical example of filling out the application for the payment of a one-time amount of accumulated funds with NPF.
  7. Typical application for the payment of inherited funds with NPF.


Turning to a non-state pension fund, you ensure a decent carefree future. The main advantage of the NPF is the profitability of pension capital. Moreover, at any time you can return to the State Fund or make a choice in favor of another, more profitable organization.

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