What non-state pension funds are the best

What non-state pension funds are the best

Sooner or later everyone thinks about its future. Especially this question worries people of old age, because the main problem for them is to live for one pension. Today, according to approved legislative projects of the Russian Federation, the person has the right to independently choose the institution to obtain pension payments - whether the PF of Russia or non-state structure. Such a solution should be argued and "weighted", since it is possible to change this organization only once a year. Let's look at what non-state pension funds (NPF) should pay attention to, and consider the main selection criteria.

What are the advantages of NPF

The activity of such an organization is subject to licensing and is strictly controlled by the state. Almost every foundation has a reserve, where the "hard framework" is established for spending authorized funds. This suggests that the NPF depositors are fully insured against "collapse", and their funds are in a safe place.

Among the main advantages of the transfer of pension to a non-state fund can be allocated:

  • high profitability of pension capital;
  • individual approach to each participant;
  • simplicity and convenience of service (online banking, SMS notifications, etc.);
  • the possibility of transferring accumulated funds to the inheritance near relative;
  • the trouble-free termination of the contract in favor of the PF of Russia or another non-state organization.

More information about the principles of NPF activities can be found in Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-state Pension Funds".

You can also download on our website:

  1. Application form when transferring pension from state-owned non-state pension fund.
  2. Filled application form on the transition from state-owned non-state pension fund.
  3. Application blank when transferring pensions from one NPF to another.
  4. Filled application blank when transferring pensions from one NPF to another.
  5. Contract form with non-state pension fund.
  6. Filled contract blank with non-state pension fund.
  7. Application form about changing personal data in a contract with NPF.
  8. The form of filling out a statement of data change in the contract with the NPF.
  9. Filled application form claim with NPF.
  10. Application form about paying inherited capital with NPF.
  11. Customer NPF Questionnaire.

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How to make the right choice

In order to find a decent fund, a small analysis of the pension market should be held. Assessing the NPF is better gradually using the following selection criteria:

  1. The level of profitability. This indicator must exceed the rate of inflation, but to a small degree. A detailed analysis of the profitability of leading NPF can be found in periodicals of well-known rating institutions such as "Expert RA" et al. This assessment is carried out on the basis of the financial statements of the largest non-governmental funds and management companies.
  2. Lifetime. To date, the pension market is "rich" by such organizations that provide their services for only a couple of years. Undoubtedly, it is better to choose an "experienced" fund, which has proven sustainable position for more than 10 years.
  3. Foundation. Do not pay attention to those companies where the founders are changing. Constancy is one of the most important factors of the welfare of the Fund.
  4. Policy "Transparency". It is very important that information about NPF activities has been available to all its participants. The Fund's website should have data on the results of its work, the number of depositors and foundation. Do not forget to double-check all the information using business publications in the world of economics and official portals of rating companies.

Detailed instructions for the transition to the NPF can be found in the article of our site. "Pension translation to non-state fund."

Advice: Given all the above factors, spend a mini-rating in each of the categories (choose no more than five funds). And then see which of the NPF is leading in all groups.

Ranking the reliability of leading NPF from the group "Expert RA" for September 2015 here.

Ratings 2 Picture

"The best of the best"

According to the reviews of the largest rating companies, the best non-governmental funds for the degree of reliability and the level of profitability in Russia are recognized:

  1. LUKOIL-GARANT - An organization, which has more than 3 million depositors. This institution has been operating since 1994, and today occupies a leading position in the pension program of the accumulation of the Russian Federation.
  2. "Welfare" - This foundation is marked as a rating center "Expert RA" as a trustworthy (on the estimation scale, it is marked A ++). The organization provides its services for 19 years, which is reflected in the form of a 2 millionth customer base and high assets.
  3. Gazfond - relatively young, but the organization's rapidly gaining momentum. It was founded in 2004 by the founders of Gazprom, Gazprombank and other famous companies. In 2009, the Fund has already been awarded the title "The highest level of reliability" from the Expert RA group, which remains unchanged today.
  4. NPF from Sberbank - One of the leading and decent non-state funds. By 2015, his client base exceeded a 3 millionth frontier, and all rating agencies annually confirm the high reliability of the company. The secret of his success is simple: the Foundation offers customers simple and convenient maintenance conditions.

Important: Try to calculate your future income using the pension calculator. As a rule, the largest NPFs provide such an opportunity on their online portal.


Before transfering a pension to a non-state fund, weigh all the "for" and "against" such a decision. Check the income, the level of reliability of the NPF and examine all the recommendations of the review companies. And if it is difficult for you to decide on the numbers and indicators, it is better to contact a specialist in this regard for advice.

Comments leave a comment
Larisa 17/01/2016 at 23:11

I agree with the author of the article, it is better to translate its accumulations in the NPF. Only 5 best indicated here, but Kit Finance accurately falls in the top ten, since not the first year I trust my accumulations to this fund. First of all, the stock stability, reliability, favorable conditions, as well as high yield. Secondly, this is a very convenient online office, where you can track your accumulations and percentage of remuneration.


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