How to register in the Pension Fund Personal Cabinet

How to register in the Pension Fund Personal Cabinet

To access the electronic services of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is enough just to go through a short logging on the site, or you can use the State Service service and log in through an existing account. If you decide to register, follow the instructions in this article.

Go to the official website of the Pension Fund by reference:, Among the tabs, find the "Electronic Services" string, click on it.

On the page that appears, you will see a list of services for which registration is not required. You can use them and do without making data to create an account. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to have your own account on the portal to take advantage of the services immediately, rather than waiting for confirmation of the person for several days.

Open the Cabinet Cabinet Window and see the list of services for registered citizens.

If you found the desired item, then proceed to registration.

To do this, scroll up the site of the mouse with a wheel and click on the top right field "Register".

Fill in all fields with genuine information about you and click "Register". If you already have an account on the Public Services portal, then scroll down the page down.

Here you will see a small blue link "Log in". Click on it.

The system will automatically redirect you on the shape of the public services site. Enter the existing phone number and password to gain access. Click on the blue button "Log in".

As soon as you get to the site, expand the tab "Catalog of Services" at the very top of the service. By clicking on the "Whole Catalog" field, you will find the services of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and without difficulty will use them.

If you had to re-register your account on the website of the State Service, then at the end of the registration it will take confirmation of the person. You can do this in many municipal institutions of the city, for example, by mail or office Rostelecom. To view the nearest places, go to the official website on the link: And select your city in the field from above. Mark what exactly the procedure you need to perform. At the moment, it will be a "identity confirmation".

After applying to the selected office with a passport or other ID, you will print a special confirmation that you need to store at the moment you can come an electronic notification about the passage of the full registration procedure.
Having completed it, you can use the service of public services and receive electronically any references and reports.

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Sayapin Sergey 05/16/2018 at 10:28

Hello! I did not like what I enter my password to the way you set, and I write, it does not match ... Offer to generate the password you offer. I believe that such an approach to registration-illegal and impracticious. First, offering to generate a password, the mystery of my password is disturbed. You impose me your password. The second, offering order of letters, numbers, signs, you seem to be happy for my data and at the same time it contains a very big difficulty of remembrance. Why do you need it? The system and so many data about us in the information center and the password generation offers still control from the state. But what about the guarantees of the defense provided for by Article.23-24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation? As a specialist of jurisprudence, outraged. In the Sberbank Personal Office, they accepted that password who himself came up with. Why do you need such difficulty?

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Tatiana 12/11/2018 at 12:33

It is not possible to go to the site. All wrong. You need to go to the pension fund. I want to know about your retired. I can't go to the pension to the retirement to go to the pension.

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Sergey 28/01/2020 at 12:12

Unfortunately we always have in everything, the officials of all ranks think primarily about their pockets and the people are just trash for them

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