How to remove 25,000 from maternal capital

How to remove 25,000 from maternal capital

Each year, the Russian Pension Fund allocates a certain number of applications for removing funds from the account of maternal capital in the amount of twenty-five thousand rubles. You can find out the deadlines and the date of the end of application applications on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, since now the exact numbers are not indicated. Follow the news of the PFR website or the State Service Service to be aware of events. You can remove your funds in several ways: through the electronic office of the Pension Fund site or its territorial body, by means of mail, or through a multifunctional public center, in other words, MFC. Consider in detail the most popular and convenient options.

How to remove 25,000 from maternal capital through the official website of the PFR

A convenient way for those who have the ability to free access to the Internet. You only need to register on the pension fund website, choose the appropriate service and fill out the application. After that, you will receive an official response that satisfies your request or rejecting it. See illustrated application steps:

  • Go to the official website of the FIU by reference: Be sure to set your region at the very top of the site.

  • Click on the "Electronic Services" tab.


  • Among the two large partitions that appeared, select the left: "Personal Cabinet Citizen". Click on two shooters in the lower corner of the window.

  • Scroll down until you see the string on the left "Maternal (family) Capital - MSC."

  • Find a chance to the graph "about the disposal of MSK means" and click on this link.

Now you have two ways to log in:

  • register your account in the ECIA system - a unified account identification system.
  • run the entry using the public service site if you already have an account.

On the example below, enter the login through the website of the State Service. Click on the large button "Login" in the middle of the screen.

  • You will automatically redirect you to the public service website, enter your phone number and password, then click "Login".

  • You will find yourself on the application for your maternal cauldron. The first step should choose the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia, in which you will receive permission to withdraw funds. Click on an empty string in the first paragraph.

  • Sequentially select the region, your area within the city or beyond. Automatically system will show the PFR at the place of your residence. Click on the blue button "Save".

  • Go to the next step. Choose your status relative to the right to MSK: Father, Child, or Mother. Enter personal information about yourself, as well as the SNILS number. If the surname has been changed, then you need to specify your birthroom at birth.
  • In accuracy, transfer the data of your passport, the place of your residence from the stamp on registration on the corresponding page of the passport. The column "place of stay" indicates the address you live at the moment if it does not coincide with the address of the registration.


  • In the third paragraph, enter information on the certificate for maternity capital and the FIU branch, which it issued. Click on the "Next step" button.

  • Select a base for disposal of MSC from the drop-down list. In the column "Amount to Order" specify 25,000 rubles.

  • In the last point, mark all the items. Please note the information should be only genuine.

  • Mark the last line about what you are aware of all the responsibility placed on you in the event of a false information. Click "Share a statement."
  • Now wait for the system notice about when you come to the planned branch of the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence.

If this type of application is not suitable for you, then you can file a petition, which personally in the Department of the FIU.


How to remove 25,000 from maternal capital through the Department of the FIU or MFC

To do this, you will need a document certifying the identity and certificate of maternal capital assignment. With these documents, come to the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence, or the district IFC, write a statement in the presence of an employee and will tell you the approximate period in which you should come to the petition. In the case of a positive result, the tools will be listed on your account you can specify later.

If your certificate is assigned to MSK and its code are lost, then you first need to restore this document in the FIU by writing an appropriate application. An employee will make a copy of the certificate in a short time, and you will again be able to use the account of maternal capital.

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