How to calculate decreh

How to calculate decreh

To find out how much you get maternity, do not wait for their accrual. Each mother can independently consider the amount leaning according to law, and this is not completely difficult to do it.

The procedure for calculating decrets is regulated FZ "On mandatory social. Insurance on the case of temporary disability, due to motherhood " On 02/09/2011 in 2013, changes were made to the law, according to which the calculation is made on the basis of salary for the last two calendar years. That is, in 2015 it takes into account the income for 2014 and 2013.

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First, calculate the average daily salary. Aguditive all revenues for two years, divide the resulting figure to 730 (the total number of days in two years). At the same time, vacationing and premiums (all payments, remuneration for which insurance premiums were charged) are taken into account in the calculation, and manuals, hospital - no. The average daily salary must be multiplied by the number of sick leave (maternity) - it will be the full amount of the benefit. Holding the amount of income in two years, all payments should be taken, even if they were made from another insured (if an employer change occurred).


Consider an example. A woman is going to decree in January 2015. The total income for 2014 amounted to 400 thousand rubles, and for 2013 - 330 thousand rubles. In just two years it turns out 730,000 rubles. We divide this number at 730 and we get 1,000 rubles. Hospital for pregnancy, childbirth is 140 days. We multiply 140 days per 1,000 rubles and we get 140,000 rubles - this will be the amount of payments at the birth of one child without complications. If the pregnancy is union-lodge, but childbirth was accompanied by complications, paid 156 days. Then we get 156 * 1 000 \u003d 156,000 rubles. If the mammy endured and bore two and more children, paid 194 days. Multiplying 194 per 1,000 rubles, we get 194,000 rubles.


If two years (or one year later, the woman was on the decret (or one year), a female decree (on maternity leave, child care), according to her, the previous two years (year) can be taken into account. But such a replacement should not affect the increase in the amount of the benefit. If in the last 2 years the woman did not work or her monthly salary was less Mrot At the date of the occurrence of the insured event, the manual is calculated on the minimum wage. At the minimum, the amount of decret will be 5,965 rubles (minimum wage) * 24 months / 730 days * 140 days \u003d 27,455 rubles. If the woman worked part-time (week), the earnings are calculated in proportion to the duration of working time.

The manual will be accrued within 10 calendar days from the moment of circulation of a woman, subject to all necessary documents. Payment occurs in the nearest day after the accrual, in which the salary is usually made. If a woman did not provide a certificate of salary, she will be appointed minimal manual, and after granting this document, the amount will be recalculated. If the allowance was appointed, but not received by a woman in a timely manner, it can be obtained later, but not later than three years. If this happened due to the insurer (insurer), the amount is subject to pay without temporary limitations.


Calculate maternity you can online on the Internet, for example, on the site It is necessary to indicate the period of the hospital, estimated years.

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Then enter the salary data after which the system considers the average daily earnings.

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The screen displays complete information about relying payments.

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You can also calculate the size of the baby care benefits until they reach 1.5 years.

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In addition to periods of work, the insurance experience includes the time of military service, fire service, in the internal affairs bodies, in the control bodies of drug trafficking, the criminal correctional system.

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