How to calculate the date of release

How to calculate the date of release

The future motley has a lot of trouble: to study all the thematic literature, buy children's things, collect bags in the maternity hospital and a lot of things. Moreover, all this needs to be combined with work. In order to decide on the schedule of cases, it is necessary to analyze your exit to the "long-awaited vacation" in advance. However, there are certain nuances associated with the term and course of pregnancy. Let's deal with more detail how to calculate the date of exit to the decree.

The right to pregnancy and childbirth is defined Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After examining its position in detail, you can independently calculate the "cherished date". But first should decide on the grounds for vacation care. You will need these documents:

  • Help from the medical institution where you are registered.
  • Application with a request to provide a vacation.

Based on these documents, the accounting of your enterprise is an order for vacation due to pregnancy and childbirth.

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So, you figured out legislative aspects. Now is the time to go to the calculations. The first thing to do is to decide on the DA (approximate date of delivery). As a rule, it is put in women's consultation, based on the first day of the last menstruation. But the date may vary throughout the term of pregnancy. The basis for this can be an ultrasound examination, results of analyzes and inspection of a gynecologist.

Art. 255 Labor Code of the Russian Federation Determines the duration of maternity leave as follows:

  1. In the case of the normal course of pregnancy and the delivery, it is 140 days (70 to the appearance of the baby and 70 after);
  2. If you expect twins or even triple, the duration of the holiday will be 194 days (84 to and 110 after childbirth);
  3. In the event of any complications during generic activities, recreation increases to 156 calendar days (70 to and 86 after childbirth).

note : It does not matter how much time passed until the appearance of the baby. Vacation is issued according to the established procedure approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, it is possible to go to the decret later, but not before. This question is solved with the leadership of your enterprise and only with the permission of the doctor who is observed. However, the sick leave is issued with a correct exit date - this is necessary to pay for all days of vacation before childbirth.

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So, the "long-awaited stay" rely on 30 weeks of pregnancy, and in case of waiting for twins or triples - by 28. If you doubt the date that the menstrual cycle indicates, there are several more ways to double-check the time of entering the decret:

  • By conception. If you know a specific number, you stay 2 weeks to add it. This will be the obstetric period of the PDR.
  • According to the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, the baby begins to act on 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • As a result of the survey of the size of the uterus: the number of weeks of pregnancy usually coincides with the distance from the abdominal cavity to the Lonic articulation. This method may be optional, but not basic when calculating. The height of the uterus can vary on the basis of complications during pregnancy.
  • According to the results of the ultrasound. Such an analysis is the most accurate and takes as the basis when counting the DA. Already on October 10-15, using ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to determine the development of the fetus and establish an approximate lifetime.

A pleasant gift from the state is a one-time manual for pregnancy and childbirth. As a rule, it is charged after 2-3 months from the moment of care to the decree. The company's accounting calculates material assistance, based on the average monthly salary over the past 2 years. In addition, according to art. 260 Labor Code, Mommy has the right to take an unused regular vacation until the rest of the decree or after it.

Right to annual leave

Having studied the described instructions, determine the "cherished date" will not be much difficult. Remember that your rights are enshrined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, in case of refusal of maternity leave or the occurrence of conflict situations, it is safe to contact the court.

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