What benefits are laid at the birth of a child

What benefits are laid at the birth of a child

Birth child –  valid moment v life each families. But v also time on content kid necessary notfew tools. That's why mommy necessary know o all species benefits, located them after rodov. TO their registration better prepare in advance, so how after birth child free of time will not so many. V this article tells o benefits, provided mommy at appearance child.

1Allowance on rodam

It listed how employed women, so and not working before moment rodov. The size payments equals 14497,80 rubles, which list all mothers, notdependent from numbers children. Listing occurs about two weeks sO day appeals. For his registration necessary predict:

  • statement;
  • certificate o birth child (issued v maternity hospital);
  • copies and originals passports parents;
  • original and copy certificate o birth child;
  • reference with work from second parent o volume, what this is help his not provided.

2) Payments on care per kid before one and a half years

Sosame female should receive each month dotation on care per kid, before achievements them one and a half years. If mommy not was employed, his registration take a lot workers social services district accommodation. Her the size on first child make up 2718,34 ruble, a on second and subsequent children equals 5436,67 rubles.

For working mom all calculations engaged accounting organizations v which she works. V regulations calculation were made change. V  calculated period not enter:

  • days hospital;
  • care per kid before three years;
  • previous decree;
  • liberation from labor activities with populated oklada.

Pay calculated v volume 40% from average month earnings worker per previous two of the year.

For accrued this privileges necessary imagine:

  • certificates personality  parents;
  • certificate o birth child;
  • labor books;
  • reference with work other parent, what he not gets this view  privileges;
  • document o composition families;
  • reference from organs employment population o volume, what mom. not paid allowance on unemployment.

If mommy not employed necessary provide:

  • requisites banking  bills, with which w. social services concluded treaty on service.

Everything the documents necessary give how originals, so and cookopia. For facilities o copies necessary take care of in advance.

3) Maternal or family capital

A family, v which appeared second or next child, can calculate on accrued maternal capital. His registration take a lot v  district department pension foundation after shows mandatory papers:

  • statement on obtaining installed amount;
  • passport parents;
  • certificate o birth all children.

Sum capital on current year equal 453 026 rubles and her can to spend on:

  • improvement housing conditions;
  • on education children;
  • on future pension mom..


V article tagged about basic species benefits and needs documents for their registration. Used information this articles, mommy be able to prepare all necessary paper for accrued payout. AND v putted term issue their and receive monthly monetary payments. Money superfluous not will be, after all small man needs v special care. Good luck v registration benefits!

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