What are the benefits of single mothers

What are the benefits of single mothers

The number of incomplete families, lonely mothers and fathers in Russia are quite large, unfortunately, many children do not know what a full-fledged family is. According to statistics in the country, about 5.5 million single mothers and almost 6,35 thousand lonely fathers. It is very difficult to raise a child, both morally and physically. In the material plan, the state helps them. In 2014, new provisions on benefits were adopted, including additional payments for a child, social, labor, tax and other privileges.

First of all, it should be understood who has the right to receive the status of a single mother, - in the birth certificate of the child in the column "Father" should be a fiber or information was made from the words of the mother (Form No. 23 certificate). Similarly for single fathers. In this case, you will have to go to court and demand to give you the desired status in accordance with your specific case.

Blank application form № 25 You can download on our website.

First of all, you, as well as all the other young mothers, have all federal payments to pregnant women and women in women, what you can find out more detailed by reading the article. "Pregnancy and childbirth payments are".

Filled application for the appointment of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child Look at us.

Be sure to look at the local branch of the Social Protection Center (Sobes) and consult relatively regional payments in your place of residence. To submit an application for mapping, it is necessary to provide a certificate of income over the past 3 months, with the better pick up the time so that decrender payments are not included in them.


For a parent who brings up a child himself, a number of social privileges are provided:

  • issuance of free children's linen for newborns;
  • up to 1.5 years, the apartment fee for cleaning and removal of garbage from solid food waste from the child is not charged;
  • up to 2 years old, you can take products for milk cuisine for free;
  • until 3 years, the state compensates for the difference in the cost of food;
  • until 3 years, medical preparations for the baby are free, then there is a discount right up to 50%;
  • the opportunity to undergo a free massage course for a child;
  • the right to priority entry into kindergarten;
  • 50% discount on receiving preschool institutions;
  • two-time meals in the dining room for schoolchildren;
  • 30% discount on training in art schools of the Ministry of Culture;
  • baby sanatorium vouchers free or with a big discount no less than 1 time per year.

Labor legislation also takes a lonely mothers and fathers and provides them with some benefits:

  • single mother can not be fired when reducing the state while her child has not yet been 14 years old;
  • when liquidating the company, it is obliged to provide a woman with another place of work;
  • as long as the child has reached 7 years of age, the hospital mother is paid completely 100%, and if the child is older, only 15 days of the hospital pay;
  • no one is right to force lonely parents who have children under 5, to work in overtime or night time, on weekends or holidays;
  • right to a shortened working day if necessary;
  • privileges when device for work;
  • a manual for a diseased child: the first 10 days of the hospital are paid in full, then 50% of wages are accrued;
  • the ability to take an additional vacation is at least 2 weeks, without salary salary.

The state goes to tax concessions for lonely parents: they are in the right to receive a double tax deduction of expenses for each of their children until the age of majority achieve. In the case of teaching a child over 18 years in high school, this benefit is preserved until 24 years.

Among other privileges are worth noting the accommodation for the home. If a mother or father independently raises children, and their age does not exceed 35 years, they are in the right to participate in the target program "Young family - affordable housing", within which they can qualify for compensation for the cost of housing. Also provides for the right to reimburse rent for removable living space in the amount of 6,400 rubles each month. In addition, single people have the opportunity to take a mortgage on more favorable terms, read more about it in the article. "How to take a mortgage of a single mother".

The state really takes care of mothers and fathers who are forced to raise their children alone. But what is written on paper is not always carried out in real life. In most cases, this is due to the ignorance of single mothers about the privileges put them. Therefore, it is very important to know your rights and demand from others to observe them and provide you with the relevant benefits.

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