What benefits are laid down

What benefits are laid down

The category "Low-Gone Family" falls the category of citizens, where the overall level of income of all able-bodied family members is less than the subsistence minimum. At the same time, attention is paid to such factors as the number of family members, their own property, income that the family receives.

In Russia, the state supports such categories of citizens:

  • Family with more? than 3 children who are considered large.
  • Families of servicemen.
  • Families with one parent, incomplete families.
  • Full families who have income below the minimum.

How to make the calculation of benefits poor?

To obtain benefits, the family should do the following. Calculate overall income over the past three months. This amount is divided into three. And the result obtained is divided into the number of all who are part of the family. At the same time, if the amount per each does not exceed the cost of living, then this is a reason to seek help.

Documents that are needed to obtain benefits to the poor

  • Russian citizen passport.
  • The statement that the family is considered poor.
  • Certificates of the birth of minor children.
  • Certificate of income of all able-bodied family members over the past 3 months.
  • Help about the composition of the family (from the house book).
  • If necessary, there is a certificate of disability, marriage certificate, and other documents on the requirement of social protection.
  • Certificate of the right to property.

What benefits are the low-income families in 2016?

Regional authorities laid funds to help socially unprotected population categories. This includes poor families. First of all, benefits are laid for children. These are medicines, food, dairy kitchen and other help.

  • Benefits for a child every month. This includes targeted payments, dairy kitchen and free medicines on the recipe for children up to 3 years.
  • If there is a need for housing, then the family is given the right to queue this category. After that use housing for free. To do this, sign a hiring contract.
  • For low-income, social mortgage is provided.
  • To get subsidy for housing housing and communal services, the family must prove that it spends more than 22% of income. It is worth considering that the subsidy is provided for a period of 6 months. After the deadline, the documents must be renovated.
  • Free food in the dining schools.
  • Many areas practice disposable payment of maternal capital.
  • Benefits when entering universities.
  • If the family is large, a certain child benefit is paid. The right to it applies for three years, every month.
  • Free public transport.
  • Return of funds that were spent on the school and sports form.
  • Free purchase of products required first.

Also rely on the aid, students entering the category of an unprotected population layer.

Students who have the right to benefits to poor

  • Orphans.
  • Disabled children and those who have I and II group of disability.
  • Who has military injury.
  • Who served at least three years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or who passed military service.
  • Who fell under the radiation.

Scholarship size Each university sets independently.

To do this, you need to apply to social protection at the place of residence. For 10 working days, the documents are considered by the Social Commission. The bodies of the social protection service should help collect documents for issuing benefits and benefits. In each regional district, the list of benefits and benefits are individual. Therefore, it is worth clarifying which benefits can count the family of a certain area.

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