What benefits are the disabled groups 2 groups

What benefits are the disabled groups 2 groups

Persons with disabilities 2 groups are largely similar to the persons with disabilities. The main difference is that people with disabilities of 2 groups can partly provide themselves in everyday life and have a number of restrictions related to labor activities. However, it is these limitations that do not allow them to find a job and ensure themselves on their own, going around without any assistance in the form of relatives or social services.

Who gets the status of a disabled group 2

Most often, the status of a disabled person of the second group receive people 2 categories:

  • people with congenital diseases leading to a violation of the basic functions of the body;
  • citizens who received production injuries. Due to these injuries, a person requires rehabilitation for partial restoration of damaged features of the body.

Criteria for recognition of disability 2 groups

Congenital diseases:

  • mental disorders;
  • various violations of speech;
  • disorders in the operation of respiratory or circulatory systems;
  • violation of sensory. It requires deterioration of tactile sensitivity, significant impairment of vision;
  • congenital physical deformities - disorders of the pituitary operation affecting the misuse of the body, namely the deformations of the skull, the disproportionate development of parts of the body (shortened or excessively elongated limbs in particular).

After the production injury obtained:

  • there are disorders of the functions of the body that entail disorders in normal human life;
  • there is a need to carry out rehabilitation activities to restore the normal functioning of all human body systems, including to restore the minimum necessary functions that help in self-service and employment.

What benefits are the disabled groups 2 groups

  • Free travel in public transport in the city, on road transport to move between cities, but within the administrative center. The benefit does not apply to a taxi, both in the city and between cities. There are also benefits when purchasing train tickets, river and air traffic.
  • A number of drugs for disabled people in accordance with the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation will be free, benefits are provided to other medicines without covering their full cost. Drugs without providing a doctor's recipe cannot be purchased on benefit. Also, the disabled people of the second group can provide the necessary technical means, namely wheelchairs, prosthetic and orthopedic products and shoes.
  • Education for disabled people will also be free. In addition, they are credited to higher educational institutions or average-technical without competition and entrance exams.
  • Providing free vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions for treatment.
  • Between 50% for paying housing and communal payments.

In addition to these benefits, people with disabilities of this group also have others that are associated with the presence in the family of other people with disabilities, the number of dependent persons or with certain conditions. A complete list of benefits can be found in relevant legislation or clarify from social workers.

Comments leave a comment
Elena Vladimirovna 11/02/2016 at 0:31

From January 1, 2016, for people with disabilities 2 groups in Moscow, electricity discount is now 50% of the standard (45 kW / h). All that is more is paid by 100%. Previously, there were no such restrictions. Not still noticed that in January 2016 people suddenly accumulated debt. Look at your ward.

Lyudmila 03/17/2016 at 15:59

Think light. From January 1, children with disabilities of childhood 2 gr. 50% of the benefits for the quart fee were abolished. Leningrad region for the apartment I pay 3.800 rubles on regulations 1100 returned. Probably laws for fools written. The funniest rushing even defenseless in our country.


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