How much maternity leave

How much maternity leave

Planning a family, young women want to be aware of when they are put on the legislation to begin the decoration of the decree and for what time it is allowed to take it. Decree - this concept denotes a vacation that is permitted by a future mother from the last trimester of pregnancy before the toddler appears. This also includes the period until the child is achieved by the child of the one and a half-year, 3 year old age. Now we will learn in detail about these timing from professionals.

To big disappointment not all pregnant women know their rightsThey do not even know what time the employer apply for legal leave. It all starts with the female consultation, only a gynecologist on the diagnostic ultrasound determines how the term of pregnancy. Ultrasound diagnostics are made on the 11th, 12th week. According to her and install, when the baby appears. On the same records, the doctor verifies the 30th week. He will write down the newsletter, with this paper will send the patient to the workplace to arrange decrehe. Pregnancy Legislation - Read here.

Legal rights of pregnant women

To do this, go to the accounting department or the personnel department, write an application for the company's owner to make legal leave. The petition is issued as follows: on top Specify the name of the company, the name of the director, below its position and passport data, i.e. Familia and full name, patronymic. Below in the middle place - "statement". And then in an arbitrary form, write, what kind of vacation you need to get it for what time. Attach documents based on which you register the petition, curl the written date and personal signature. After that, the head will publish a disposal, and you are undoubtedly the right to go on maternity leave, take care of your health, nutrition, rest and prepare for childbirth.

Here are examples of such blanks, download:

Article 256 TC

You are now allowed to relax 70 days before the birth of Baby and 70 - after childbirth. If suddenly, during childbirth, you will need to make a caesarean section, then vacation will increase by 16 days. And when twins appear on the light, child care will last a maximum of 54 days, which in the total amount will give 194 days (70 + 124).

During this period, the employer pays a certain amount that directly depends on your earnings. The next part of the vacation begins lasting 140-194 days and lasts 1.5 years. Accruals for this period of time are equal to 40% of s / n, they give them every month.

Breastfeeding-and-new pregnancy is possible - whether it is 2

According to the Labor Code, the woman will consider in labor experience of a year and a half, at the birth of two children - three years, three or more - 4.5 years. Accordingly, if a mother who gave birth to one child will take a vacation for three years, then the allowance will not pay for another 1.5 years.

After the end of the maternity mace, it has the right to return to its former vacancy. But there are different circumstances, for example, reduced this position as unnecessary. In this case, the leader is obliged to offer another, with the same salary.


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