Exit from maternity leave, how to issue

Exit from maternity leave, how to issue

In the labor legislation, the concepts dedicated to the process of leaving a woman's leave in maternity leave are prescribed by individual items ( st. 255, 256.). No less relevant for workers who are in the "Children's" holidays, there are issues related to access from it. However, at the legislative level, this procedure is not resolved. But very often new mammies have to start labor duties ahead of schedule. Consider more detailed how to make a way out of maternity leave.

Basic concepts

Under the concept of "Decree" two completely different vacation periods lies ( st. 255, 256 TK RF):

  1. Maternity leave.
  2. Vacation designed to care for the child.

The second type of rest is a matter of purely voluntary. As a rule, an early exit from it is associated with the material possibilities of the employee. After all, a child care leave implies a period from the moment of childbirth until a child achievement of a three-year-old age. The allowance is paid only by the first 1.5 years. In addition, its amount does not exceed 40 percent of the earnings "Decreers". That is why young moms leave their child on the care of non-working relatives and come out of the decree before the deadline.

Legislative norms

Immediately note that the liberation for child care can take any member of the family, while Mom crumbs will work in the enterprise ( st. 256 TK RF.). Such a vacation service deretechika can ignore at all or interrupt at any time. In this case, the employer is obliged to provide a young mother legitimate workplace. In addition, after 3 years, the employee must return to labor responsibilities in time, otherwise she will have to quit. As noted earlier, the procedure for the exit from the maternity period is not directly law. Nevertheless, such "movement" in the walls of the organization needs to be documenting documented.

Application from grandmother for childcare leave here.

An example of a grandmother's statement to the provision of childcare leave here.

Release procedure

Having decided to prematurely return to labor duties, adhere to a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Arrange at the reception to your employer and notify it about the upcoming return to work.
  2. Write the appropriate application to the director.
  3. Expect preparation and visiting the leadership of the order from the decree.
  4. If the release from vacation takes place for a term - not necessary.


Asking to write an application for a year from maternity leave, the head does not infringe upon the work of employees. Although this requirement is not provided by law, as not mentioned in it on mandatory warning periods when returning to work. On the other hand, this document will be a reason for notifying the employee who temporarily worked on the site "Decreech". When drawing up an application, follow the rules generally accepted by document management:

  1. Right at the top Make a hat. In it insert:
    • FIO of the company's head;
    • personal information about the applicant and his position.
  2. The main text of the application must contain such compulsory information:
    • date of exit from vacation;
    • clarification of the timeliness of the exit;
    • information about the mode of operation (full / part-time).
  3. Put the date and signature.

Based on the above-mentioned document, the company's personnel department issued a mandatory order. You can start working only after visiting the head of such an order. Its text depends on temporary factors (timely output from the decree or early).

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The legislator has provided for a young mammy of incomplete working day. Be sure to inform such a desire. Under these conditions, you will continue the right to further receive social benefits ( st. 13 ФЗ № 81).

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Exit from the decree is issued by submitting an application only in the case of a premature return to the workplace. The rest of the law does not provide special actions from the "Decreech".

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