Work on maternity leave

Work on maternity leave

Modern women, despite the lack of time and a lot of things, manage to manage everything: create a comfort in the house, pay attention to the beloved, follow your appearance, give birth and educate the children. In addition, most of the most beautiful sex representatives even during the maternity leave never ceases to take care of the material component of life. There are several questions: is it possible to continue official work at this time, or it is better to find a part-time job which job can bring additional income and where to look for it. Consider all the options.

Let's start with the fact that the current legislation does not oblige and be on maternity leave, many mammies continue to work, but in most cases part-time or at home. Even having a sick leave, without preventing it to his employer, you can work as before. However, keep in mind that in this case the manual does not relieve you because it is intended to compensate for earnings during a forced maternity leave. That is, you should be obtained either salary or vacation allowance. Those who, for example, depends on the career, are resorted to this option. You also have the right to interrupt pregnancy and childbirth, if the leadership does not object to this. We only follow some formalities. In particular, you need to write an application for the name of the director with a request to interrupt your vacation and allow you to return to the duties.


Download from us:

  • Application Blank for pregnancy and childbirth,
  • Sample application for interrupting maternity leave.

If the head is not against your premature return, he will make an order for permission to start you. It will only be left to recall benefits paid to you. There is another option - to continue to work on a civilian contract, in which the types of work available for you are available for you during this period, the amount of remuneration and other, the benefit you continue to receive in full. To do this, you need to conclude an agreement with the employer to provide services or a contract. You can also agree with the authority of the opportunity during the leave to care for the kid to work at home, or in the workplace, but an incomplete week or working day. At the same time, you keep your right to pay benefits to full. To do this, write a statement about the intention to go to work. Keep in mind that management has the right to refuse to fulfill you duties at home.


Here you can download:

If you just want to find an additional source of income - it's still easier. The spectrum of existing types of homework is quite wide, you should only decide in which field you are best implementing available talents and abilities. In Freilance, one of the most sought-after professions are the professions of a Web-designer and just designer, translator, corrector, a vertellor, a journalist. If you have the necessary skills, look for vacancies on the network, for example, on portals Rip staff, Headhunter., AVITO.and others. If you have worked in the field related to finance, try yourself as a business analyst.


In the experience of working in the advertising sector, it is also easy to find part-time engagement, including as an administrator of various groups in social networks. You can work and the dispatcher in the presence of a landline phone. These and other vacancies are viewed on sites. Richmother., Mamarabotaet., etc. Does not require special skills to work by a sales representative of various companies such as Oriflame., Faberlic., Avon.. And if you are literate, have good memory and fantasy, erudite, at school adored writing presentation and essay - you should try yourself as a copywriter or rewater on content exchanges, for example, Copylancer., ADVEGO., In addition, you can sell all sorts of master classes, recipes for dishes with your own photos. Do not write off your bills and various types of needlework - today it is very popular and in demand. You can embroider paintings with a cross and beaded, sew toys, knit clothes, make all sorts accessoriesand also do homemade soaping or baking cakes to order.


Whatever the option to continue work activity you choose, be prepared to adjust your new schedule for the needs of the baby, it is better to ask for these hours to look after it.

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