Hospital on vacation

Hospital on vacation

Hurt during holidays at least unpleasant. But since it happened, I find out what to do is just searched at home or open a hospital leaf. And what to do the employer if this situation occurred.

The patient should consult a doctor. If you need an outpatient or inpatient treatment, the doctor will definitely open the sick leave regardless of whether you are working on vacation or temporarily sit at home.

The patient must put the employer informant from that day, as the doctor opens a sick leave. If a person simultaneously works in several works, then initially he must learn from a doctor if he can give him a few copies of the hospital sheet, and then notify the manual on each of the jobs. When you notify the employer, then it is possible two options, each of which needs to be coordinated with the manual:

  • extend the vacation to the number of days you were sick;
  • resting the last days, which fell due to the disease, to another time convenient for you.

The employer after the closed sick leave will be transmitted, must agree with the employee, how to do with the days who soldered for the sickness and perform the following actions:

  • vacation transfer must be completed after an employee's written statement, as well as the compilation and approval of the order of the enterprise;
  • extending holidays on the number of days that the employee ache does not require registration.

Swing we have such documents:

What concerns payment, then hospital in time vacation paid so same, how and v workers days. Exception make up hospital, decorated in time decreh, training vacations, vacation without conservation wage fees or same vacation on care per juvenile children or elderly relatives.

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