As the hospital is paid

As the hospital is paid

The procedure for payment of the hospital is important for all: and for an employee who temporarily cannot fulfill its labor duties, but needs cash, and for the employer to be paid to the hospital list.

Legal foundation of payment of temporary disability, in other words, a hospital - Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Questions regarding the payment procedure, as well as their size, are governed by federal laws. A document confirming the need for treatment and, accordingly, exemption from work is a sheet of disability, better known as a hospital leaf. This is a document issued by a medical institution and decorated in compliance with all requirements. The first three days are paid by the employer, the following - the Social Insurance Foundation. Three days are the minimum term for which hospital can be issued, and its maximum duration is 12 months.

Recommendations for filling out a list of disability of a new sample

The following indicators affect the amount of payments: the average salary over the past 12 months, insurance experience, a period of temporary disability, as well as the minimum and maximum values. Insurance experience is the period during which the deductions of insurance premiums took place, regardless of whether the employee worked in one enterprise or on several. The more insurance experience, the greater the amount of payments. For example, the right to receive 100% of the salary have faces with experience from 8 years, 80% can be calculated after 5 years, and if the experience is less - payment is made in the amount of 60%. In addition, a 100% allowance for earnings is supposed to be some categories of citizens, such as: persons having three and more children up to 16 years old, women receiving hospital and childbirth, Chernobylum liquidators, invalids of war, workers who have caregoles and others .

The number of days that can be paid may also vary depending on some factors. For example, sick-sized temporary disability is paid from the first to the last day, even if the period of the disease is a year. But there are exceptions: if the employee fell ill during his unpaid holiday, and the period of disability went beyond its limits, the payment is subject to only days from the end of the leave before going to work. If you are not lucky to get sick during the period of paid vacation, the hospital is paid in general order, and the vacation is extended for a period of illness.

It is known that the sick leave can be obtained not only to restore their own health or for pregnancy and childbirth, but also to care for family members - child or close relative (adult). In the last cases, the law clearly regulates how many days of illness can be paid at once and how much in the calendar year. In particular, hospital care for close relatives is given no more than seven days, and the number of paid days to care for the child will depend on its age.

To get a disability allowance, you must present a sick leave on the very first day after going to work. But the employee remains for another 6 months, if for one or another to provide the document is immediately impossible. In the case of a very prolonged disease, you can receive payments in parts, presenting the sickness of payroll.

It is important to remember that on time and correctly executed documents - a guarantee of timely payments.

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