How to pay for hospital partners

How to pay for hospital partners

On the case of disability, a person is issued a sick leave, on the basis of this, the company produces the necessary payment. If a citizen works part-time, he has the right to get several hospital sheets (provided to each employer).

If an employment contract has been concluded, an employee can receive disability allowance (according to the COCI's Law). At the same time, the law does not indicate what place of work is in question (main or additional). Therefore, payments are made at each enterprise where the employee works. Since 2012, changes have been made to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, social development, according to which payments on the hospital at the main work, are concurred simultaneously only if the employee has a two-year experience of part-time work (in the same enterprise). Otherwise, compensation can only be obtained on the main job. But if a person during this period carried out part-time work on a different employer, he can get paid on one of the current work to choose from (from the second employer a certificate is provided that the payments were not conducted).


Filling a part-time hospital sheet is the same as the design of this document for the main work. The only thing in a special column is the mark opposite the words "main place of work", "Compact". A part-time sheet indicates the number of the main hospital. Description of the filling of the hospital sheet is available in order No. 624N of the Ministry of Health and the social development of the Russian Federation of 29.06.2011., with considering additions from 2012


An employee must receive so many disability leaves in the hospital as he has employers. Each sheet is provided at the destination. From the moment of receipt of the document from the employee, the employer charges the benefit for 10 days. It is paid on the day of the nearest salary after making a decision on accrual. Part-time hospital is paid according to the calculations of the company's accounting. The manual is accrued on the basis of the average salary over the past two years (only one year was taken into account). To calculate the hospital, for example, for 2014, it is necessary to take into account earnings for 2013, 2012. If for the specified period, the person worked on another employer, you can provide a salary certificate for the analyzed period.

3_ Introduction

Next, the total amount of earnings is divided by 730 (the conditional number of days in two years). If the amount obtained is more minimal earnings, further calculations are made on its basis. If less, then the basis of calculations is taken by minimum earnings. The employer pays the first 3 days of the hospital. After the average daily earnings multiplied by the total number of disability days. The general work experience of man is also taken into account:

  • if it is less than 3 years old, 60% of the figures received;
  • 3-8 years - then 80%;
  • more than 8 years - 100%.


The fees of the hospital part-time is made according to other calculations, but the principles remain the same as to calculate the hospital at the main work. FL income tax is also held.

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