Russian legislation allows people to work in several works - this is called "Compact". At the request, data on his part-time work can be entered into its labor book. As such a record happens and what is needed for this, it will be described in detail in this article.
The workbook on the workbook on external part-time is regulated by the instruction No. 69 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003. It says that only the specialist OK Togo Enterprise can be made (let's call it the main one), where the employee has the main place of work. An entry on part-time work is made on the basis of the order signed by the head of this enterprise.Sample order of writing to the labor book on part-time work we have.
A sample of the completed order for making an entry into the workbook on part-time work here.
Samples of these documents you can see here:
- Sample application for making a record in the workbook on part-time work
- A sample of a completed application for making an entry into a working book on part-time work
- A sample filled certificate that the worker is an external part-point.
If the employee did not take care of the work in time, a part-time record was made in his work, can do it later. Even after he quit from the main place of work, in the personnel department, it is obliged to make such a record on his later written statement and providing them with all the necessary documents.