Part-time work is an additional work (regularly paid) for an employment contract. It is carried out in his free time without causing damage to the main one. Russian legislation allows to work part-time, only some conditions should be followed.
Working conditions are part-time specified in Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in ch. 44). You can combine several posts from one employer or work for different organizations. In this case, it is indicated that the work is part-time. It is impossible to work part-time if:
age worker under 18 years old;
the work is considered severe;
working conditions are dangerous (harmful), and basic work is also associated with these conditions.
Part-time is allowed to make a maximum of Polish. The duration of the working week (according to the legislation) is 40 hours. At additional work, a person can work for a maximum of 20 hours weekly. Working hours are distributed arbitrarily: it is possible, for example, on weekdays to work at the main place, and on weekends - 10 hours at an additional one; Or 12 hours daily together with part-time. Here you can download:
Working load on the main work, in principle, maybe not 40 hours, but, for example, 30 or 20, but this does not affect the duration of the working week of additional work - it cannot exceed 20 hours. If you work on both polish works, you can apply for renewal of basic work as an additional (part-time). And then the work that was part-time, to make the main job (then you can work for 40 hours weekly).
Failure for part-time can be carried out according to the results of the development or in proportion to the time, which was actually worked out (according to the employment contract). If there are surcharges, salary coefficients, they are also taken into account when calculating.
Annual vacation (paid) is presented simultaneously at an additional, main work. But if at work, where the employee is part-time, he has not worked for half a year, the vacation is given an advance. And if part-time leave is less than at the main job, the employee has the right to issue a vacation without beating.
The employer may terminate the employment contract with the partover, if a candidate will be accepted into the state, for whom the work will become the main one. The employee's termination of the contract is notified in writing in two weeks.
Thus, the law allows you to work in several positions (works), but establishes a number of rules that each employee must strictly observe.