The form of P-4 is a form of state statistical observation, it is provided to create a statistical dependence, analyzing the current state of the Russian labor market. This form is called "information about the number, wage and motion of workers," has the number 0606010 in the classifier of management documentation.
Fill this form should all legal entities (except individual entrepreneurs, small businesses), regardless of the form of ownership, such as economic activities, the number of employees. The frequency of filling the form depends on the number of employees in the enterprise: if the general state is up to 15 people, the completed form is provided to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service quarterly; If the number of personnel exceeds 15 people - then monthly.
Filling the title page, specify the full and brief (indicated in brackets) the name of the enterprise under constituent documents. In the "Mail address" column, you should specify the legal address of the enterprise, the zip code. If the enterprise is actually located not at the address of the registration, you must specify both addresses. You also need to specify the OKPO code, which was assigned to the territorial authority of Rosstat.
The first section of the form requires general information about the enterprise, actual types of economic activity. In addition, you should specify the number of employees spent by the time accrued by the salary. If for the reporting period, the salary accrual was not carried out, this data is simply not specified in the form. The average number of employees per month can be defined by the following way. Fold a daily piston number for the entire month, divide the resulting amount by the number of calendar days in the analyzed period. On weekends, holidays, the number of employees take the previous work day. The account number takes into account the actual employees, for certain reasons for missing employees working owners. If a regular unit works incomplete workday, it is still taken into account in the list of numbers.
Filling the time spent time, you should consider all the actually spent hours (here include festive, weekends, overtime, travel clock). No need to include the time of illness, holidays, participation in strikes, other cases of absence of employees at work. As for the accrued salary, it includes payment in monetary, not monetary form, surcharge, surcharge, premiums, compensation payments, payment for food, accommodation. A separate line indicates the remuneration of workers who work under the terms of external partnership, social payments (for travel, treatment, employment, rest).
The second section of the form is devoted to the use of working time by employees of the list of list. Information on unrequited time for various reasons is indicated (at the initiative of the enterprise administration).
Filling the third section of the form, you need to consecrate the issue of workers. In the field "Accepted Employees" you need to specify the number of workers who were accepted for work this year. The quantity is dismissed, consider one digit regardless of the reasons for dismissal. At the same time, external partners, military personnel, civilian legal contracts, women on pregnancy leave, educational and enrolling in educational institutions, people on vacation without salaries are not included in the number of retired workers.
Submit form P-4 follows the 15th day of the month following the reporting.
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