How to fill out an application for passport

How to fill out an application for passport

Obtaining a passport Many still perceive as a complex bureaucratic procedure with kilometer queues and a beam of spent nerves. Fortunately, currently to make a document for trips abroad is much simpler. You need to prepare all the necessary documents and correctly fill out the application.

Depending on your desire, you can apply for a new generation passport or an old sample. Differences of the passport of the old sample from the passport of biometric:

  • The old one is issued for 5 years, new on 10.
  • In the old passport - you can enter children under 18, in a new one - no, all children also receive passports.
  • The procedure for passing customs equipped with special readers, with a new passport much faster.
  • State duty for old passports - 1000 rubles to enter a child - 300 rubles; For new passports - 2500, on minors - 1200.
  • New passports have a greater level of protection against fakes.

To put documents for a passport, you can sign up to the multifunctional center or in the Federal Migration Service of Russia and prepare the desired package. First of all, this is the application forms, you can download them:

Please note that in many compartments of the UFMS, the application forms accept only filled in printed form. You can fill them in, and in the future print. Printing blanks need from two sides of the sheet. Examples of filled blanks can be downloaded here:

If you are registered on state services, you can not walk anywhere, but to submit an online application online. How to go through the registration procedure, you can read in this instructions. We go to the site, we enter your personal account and choose in popular services: the passport of the new sample for the age category you need.

In the window that appears, we read the rules, click on the active button "Get the service".

Give your consent to the processing of all your personal data.

Carefully fill out the application for a passport. Do not forget to save the entered data.

Special attention paid to the transfer of work in reverse chronological order.

We load a photo, guided by the rules of the site. It is best to make a photo in the photoabeel from professionals and save an electronic image to them, which then we insert into the statement. But you can also make it yourself using a digital camera or phone, on a white background. The size of the photo should be 35 * 45 mm.

The first stage on this is completed, then the staff will check all available information. Check notification can be obtained in three ways: SMS message to your phone, message to email or push notification on the site.

After confirming the verification, you can attach the scanned documents to the application and wait for you to receive a new passport. This usually happens in a month, but if you are temporarily registered, then the term may reach up to four months. List:

  • copy of the internal passport;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • sample of its signature in electronic form;
  • receipt of the payment of state duty;
  • for men, a copy of a military ticket or certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • for children - a document on registration at the place of residence.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure for filling out an application for a passport, the main thing is to carefully transfer all the data.

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