How to make temporary registration

How to make temporary registration

For accommodation for more than 90 days in a place other than the place of permanent residence, the legislation of the Russian Federation obliges citizens to arrange temporary registration. In case of violation, a fine is provided. Registration may be required when contacting government agencies, banking operations or employment. Read in this material on how to make temporary registration.

You will need the following documents:

  • Internal passport or identity card, if you are a soldier. The passport is accepted only if you constantly live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Please note that temporary identity cards are not accepted. If you have lost your passport, you must first go through the procedure for its recovery.
  • Statement. Signed by the applicant and the owner of the housing, in whose territory registered. The owner's signature is equal to registering.
  • Document-based on the right to reside the applicant in the premises. This may be a lease agreement or hiring, certificate of state registration of the right to the premises, a written statement of the owner in an arbitrary form or another document. If the basis is a social hiring agreement, it is not necessary to provide it. It is enough to mention this in the statement.

On our site you can download the form and sample statement:

The first option is a personal visit to the registration authority:

  • For Moscow, this is a passport office in ERC, for other cities - the Passport table of the UFMS.
  • Find out the phone and the site of the local territorial division can in the "Contacts" section Official site FMS.
  • If the basis of the basis for the right to accommodation is the statement of the owner, then you should come together. The owner must provide an internal passport.
  • Officials do not have the right to refuse to accept temporary registration.
  • The deadline is from three to five working days, after which the applicant is issued a temporary registration certificate.
  • At the request of the applicant, the certificate can be sent by mail with a notice of delivery.

To simplify the procedure on the portal state There is an electronic application of the application:

  • Remove the scan copy of the documents listed in the first paragraph.
  • Go to bookmark FMS Portal State Service.
  • Fill in the application and attach the application.
  • Within three days you will receive an invitation to the passport desk. You will need to make an appointment and appear at the appointed time with the original documents.
  • If the documents are all in order and grounds for failure, you will be issued an appropriate document.

Application for registration can be sent by mail:

  • In this case, the registration certificate is issued for forty minutes. To do this, it is necessary to appear with the passport in the department of the UFMS.
  • The following documents are needed: application (see paragraph 1), a copy of the document-based document and address sheet of arrival.
  • If the registration period exceeds nine months, a sheet of statistical accounting of arrival is required.

On our site you can download the blanks of such documents:

What you need to know if you are going to issue temporary registration:

  • The service is free.
  • If housing is municipal or state, the consent of all living.
  • With an increase in the number of registered fees for utilities will increase.

There are firms offering to issue a fake temporary registration. We recommend to abandon such services, because in case of violation, criminal liability is provided.

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