How to restore medical policy

How to restore medical policy

For free help in medical facilities in the territory of all Russia, as well as in some countries with which the contracts for free medical care of Russian citizens need to have a policy of compulsory health insurance. If this document is lost, help in medical institutions will not be free. Let's learn how to quickly restore the medical policy and that it will be necessary to do.

When applying for work, the company issues an employee polis Oms. It receives it in one of the insurance companies of the city, which has the right to conclude contracts of compulsory and voluntary media. And when dismissing an employee Polis, he is obliged to return to the personnel department, which, in turn, returns it to the insurance company. Naturally, at the loss or damage of the medical document, the employee should simply write a statement in an arbitrary form in recruitment service. The documents for the application of the employee do not need to be applied, because all the necessary copies are already available at its employer.

Blanc of the contract with an insurance company here.

An example of a contract with an insurance company we have.

After receipt of the application to the personnel department, the person's responsible person should apply to the insurance company, with which the organization has a compulsory agreement medical insurance employees. To obtain a duplicate policy of your employee, the personnel officer must provide a copy of his passport and reduss, as well as the completed application form of a certain sample.

Application form for a duplicate policy here.

An example of filling out an application for duplicate policy here.

If you need to restore the policy, belonging to a minor child, then its legal representatives, i.e. Parents must personally contact the insurance company with a copy and originals of the child's birth certificate, SNILS and their passport.

If the owner of a lost or spoiled policy is an adult, but it cannot see his duplicate himself, then it has the right to make his representative for him, but only in the presence of his passport and power of attorney.

Blank power of attorney You can download here.

An example of power of attorney on our website.

In all listed cases, the insurance company first gives a temporary policy that the entire period of duplicate is valid. Making a new policy lasts no more than one month. When duplicate is ready, the employee invites the insured person for its receipt.

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