How to restore SNILS

How to restore SNILS

The insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) in the FIU is currently being made from birth. This document plays a big role not only in the accrual of pension payments to the obligatory fund of the pension insurance, but also upon receipt of free medicines, vouchers to health resorts, as well as treatment in hospitals and clinics throughout the Russian Federation. In this article, we will tell how to do in case of a luxury loss, which instances contact and what documents will be required for this.

Let's find out what to do if this important document belonged to a minor person (before execution of 14 years) and lost it? Of course, order a duplicate. This will have to do parents or child guardians, because It does not yet have the right to sign. You need to handle the issuance of duplicate SNILS, where it was received, i.e. in the nearest FFR. In order to get a duplicate, the following documents will be needed:

  • Passport of one of the parents;
  • Certificate of the birth of the owner of the lost reduss;
  • Photocopy of a lost document or just a number (preferably).

In the Pension Fund, you will have to fill out a statement on the established form of ADV-3 (a statement of duplicate issuance), which can also be filled at home. When filling out the blank, errors and corrections are not allowed. Letters must be written in printed style. The application is filled from hand with a black gel handle. It is possible to fill out an application on a computer in electronic form.

Application form for duplicate SNILShere.

An example of an application for a duplicate reduss we have.

If the owner of a lost document is a child who already has 14 or more years, he will need to contact the FIU personally. Prepare a passport with you, a photocopy of the lost reduction and a completed statement in the form of the ADV-3.

Administrative and working citizens get a duplicate will help the employer himself. For this, the employee needs no later than one month from the date of the document to contact the accounting department or the personnel department with a statement to restore SNILS. Those in turn write a statement about the issuance of duplicate to the Pension Fund. A photocopy of the passport of the employee and a copy of the lost document is attached. In a statement, the employee should personally sign. If the worker got to the employer after lost a document on the insurance number, then it will be necessary to seek his recovery.

For non-working citizens, as well as individual entrepreneurs, the reduction procedure is the same as in children who already have 14 years. Those. They should personally contact the FIU at the place of residence with a passport and photocopy of a lost document and fill out the same statement (the form of ADV-3).

In all cases, the reduction procedure is almost the same. After delivery of documents, the PFR will have to return to the time appointed by the Foundation appointed by the Duplicate employee. Typically, the process requires no more than one month.

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