How to restore the pension certificate

How to restore the pension certificate

The problem of losing documents is quite relevant. No one is insured against such trouble as thefts in transport, cafe, or simple inattention. The pension certificate does not indicate enough personal data, and it cannot be used as a document certifying. But if you have lost a pension certificate, you may have problems with obtaining a pension, design of the laid benefits and so on. Do not worry and do not despair, you can restore the document.

In the case when the pension certificate has become unsuitable for use (wet, torn, expanded, lost or stolen), it must be exchanged or restored.

Together on the site

If you are working a pensioner, you need to refer to the manual or in the accounting department of your organization. You will be prompting how to write an application to obtain a duplicate certificate.


The application is written in an arbitrary form in the name of the branch of the department. Pension Fund of Russia By your region.

Sample of the filled statement for the issuance of duplicate we have.

Duplicate Application Blank Download on our website.

In addition, you need to write a power of attorney on the employee who will restore your document. At the power of attorney, you convey to him the right to issue documents and the presentation of your interests in the Pension Fund office.

Power of attorney to receive documents here.

Sample of completed power of attorney to receive documents here.

Prepare 4 photos in size 3x4 cm and your passport. An employee of the Organization with all documents (power of attorney, passport, your application and photography) addresses the separation of the Pension Fund, where the database will be able to find a lost pension certificate, its number and all information about the accrual of pensions over the entire period, and duplicate will be issued.

All together on the site

If you are not working a pensioner, to restore the pension certificate you need to contact the Pension Fund.

In the territorial department of the Russian Pension Fund, when applying, it is necessary to have a passport, 4 photos 3 for 4 cm. The employee will issue a sample of the application and according to your passport information can find the certificate number and information about the accrual. After that, you will make a duplicate.

Statement in PF

Pension certificate gives a pensioner to the hands and, as a rule, declared immediately when contacting. For receiving a duplicate pension certificate you do not need to pay. It is issued for free.

There are situations when to obtain or exchange their pension certificate on their own pensioner for any reason can not. In this case, it is entitled to get a person representing the interests of the pensioner. The certificate is issued in the presence of a notarized power of attorney for receiving documents. You will need to convey a trusted person: passport of the Russian Federation or another document certifying personality; 4 photos 3 to 4; power of attorney.

Power of Attorney in the FFR

On the site Pension Fund of Russia Placed a hotline phone. You can clarify the address and telephone of the territorial office on the area of \u200b\u200byour stay, as well as ask any questions you are interested in.

Restore pension certificate is easy. All your data is stored in the electronic basis of the FIU. The main thing is to prepare the necessary documents in advance. In this case, you can get a duplicate on the day of appeal to the Pension Fund. The delay may occur only if a large number of applications for duplicates have accumulated.

Comments leave a comment
Alexandra 04/07/2017 at 21:40

What's this? Old message? Since 2015, the certificates have not been issued, and issued a certificate. If an old certificate has lost, then also give out only a certificate, because Certificates in 2015 canceled.


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