Lost driver's license - what to do

Lost driver's license - what to do

Lost or theft of a driver's license is a situation that can happen with each. But in this case, you need to act not only quickly, but also correctly. We describe the entire sequence of actions in this case.

The very first thing to be done is to determine your car on the parking lot or in the garage, since the management of motor vehicles without the relevant documents is fraught with a fine and room of the machine to the storage machine.


In case the rights stolen, you need to write an appropriate application to law enforcement agencies.

You can download the application form from us - Statement in the police.

The next step is the process of recovering the certificate. To do this, contact the traffic police at the place of registration, where to write an application for issuing new driver's license due to the loss of old. Please note that this statement may require a written explanation of the circumstances (if you have lost them) or a certificate of initiation or refusal to initiate a criminal case (in the event of theft).

Download a sample application here is here - Application for rights.

To the application for new rights to the traffic police, it is necessary to additionally attach the following materials and documents: documents certifying your identity (passport or temporary identity card), certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay, photo, medical certificate in form, learning document (its The presence of significantly speeds up the whole process) and the receipt of weakening for the issuance of new rights.


Another condition necessary to obtain new rights to the traffic police is the lack of debt on fines.

Since the process of issuing new rights is not a quick thing, for this period there is also a temporary certificate to be obtained in the traffic police, which will allow you to manage the car without a driver's license. This document has in the presence of your passport no more than 2 months from the date of issue.

Considering that the driver's license is a serious document, refer to the process of restoration also needed as much as possible and start it as quickly as possible.

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