For what is deprived of the driver's license

For what is deprived of the driver's license

Behavior on the road is regulated by well-known Road traffic. Violation of some rules may lead to serious consequences, therefore it is punishable throughout the rigor, right up to deprivation of driver's license. So for what you can take right?

Decide rights for 1-3 months may be for such violations:

  • transportation without a registration number (or number is located in an inadequate place or hidden);
  • not providing car special services advantages when they enabled light, sound signals.

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For a period of 3-6 months, the rights for violation of the rules of intersection of the railway crossing can be removed (travel during the prohibitive signal, with a closed barrier, or a stop on moving). And for 4-6 months risk to stay without the right to those who were caught for:

  • excess speed is greater than 60 km / h;
  • movement on the counter (reverse) strip.


In the presence of false numbers, as well as for violating the requirements of the auto access requirements (when the lighting devices have an inappropriate mode of operation, color) to deprive rights by 6-12 months. And with a re-violation of the order of moving railway paths - a period of a year. For a year and a half can punish if there is a place:

  • leaving the scene of the accident;
  • refusal to examine alcohol intoxication;
  • use by the driver of drugs, alcohol;
  • illegal establishment of a sound, light signal on personal transport;
  • transport management on which there are color for operational services.

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For one and a half or two years, they can deprive rights in this case:

  • the state of alcoholic (narcotic) intoxication driving;
  • there was a transmission to control the transport of man in a drunk;
  • illegal establishment of a sound, light signal on personal transport.


If you repeatedly delay in a drunken form or a repeated fact is set to transfer drunk control, can be deprived of rights to 36 months. Also, the deprivation of rights threatens and those who transported dangerous (large, heavy) cargoes, if it led to an accident with the presence of victims or was harm to health.


Remember that only the judge has the opportunity to deprive the right, and the DPS officer simply resets them for an offense. So far the court makes a decision, you can easily drive with temporary resolution (its validity period is 2 months).

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