How to get copyright

How to get copyright

Creating a new creation is painstaking work, regardless of whether it is photographic, literary or audiovisual. A huge amount of strength and effort spends the author, giving birth to a new work. But after the joyful completion of the next object, a rather problematic period of protection of the right of authorship occurs. Where to contact? What documents to provide? How much to pay? These and other questions you will find answers in our article.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the specific list of objects to be protected by copyright is not and can not be. The following creations include the following creations: artistic and literary works, photos, dramatic and audiovisual documents, computer programs, databases, etc.

In contrast to this there is another list that includes objects that are not subject to security: reports of events and news on the type of press information, laws, decisions, folklore, monetary signs, state awards, symbols, databases that do not possess the criteria of originality ( Schedule of television shows, movements of public vehicles, etc.).

To alerts about your authorship, the creator can use a standard copyright security mark. Usually it looks like this: the letter C, circled, the name of the copyright owner and the date of the first publication. If the creation was created under a pseudonym or anonymous, the publisher can apply for the authorities.

If the author does not intend to disclose his creation nearby, he can take advantage of the right to register authorship. Such an operation is carried out by the State Intellectual Property Service. For registration, you must submit the following documents: an instance of the work, a statement in form, a document confirming the fact and an accurate date of publication (if any), confirmation of the transition by inheritance (when applying for an inheritance), the power of attorney (if the application is a trustee), receipt of payment , duties, etc.

If the right of authorship is recorded on a computer program, it is also necessary to provide an installation of use. A similar rule concerns database registration. In cases with architectural creations or objects of garden-park art, it is necessary to be attached abstract with the name of the location and description of the characteristics.

If the object is applied to register copyright, it must certainly comply with the main criteria. So, the musical work should be in the form of a note scheme or record on audio carrier, literary - in printed or electronic form, product of fine art in the form of a photo from 9x12 slides.

As a rule, the decision is made within a month after submitting all the necessary documents. Please note the intellectual property service does not verify the fact of or any expertise. If the packet packet is defined correctly, you will most likely get a certificate. Moreover, payment for collecting, preparation, etc. Fully insignificant, available to almost every person who wants to register authorship.

On time the right of authorship will allow you not only to be the only one of the owner of personal creation, but also to protect it from the deliberate use of strangers without your permission. In addition, the design procedure is pretty light and primitive.

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