Help in form number 9 contains information about the living space at the specified address and citizens registered in this property. This is an official document that is necessary with any accommodation transactions (sale, privatization, settlement of the communal apartment), confirmation of permanent or temporary registration and in other cases. Help is issued for free and wrapped in print.
Form 9 certificate can only be obtained by a citizen registered at this address. Contact your passport or Guea of \u200b\u200bthe area where there is a residential premises. Documents that will need to be present:- passport with register stamp;
- receipt of payment of utilities for the last month.
Form form 9 You can download here.
Form 9 Filling Sample on our website.
If you do not have the opportunity to contact the passport person personally (for example, you live in another city), your representative of proxy, certified notarized, may receive such a certificate. Documents that will have to prevent the representative:- passport of the representative;
- copy of your passport;
- power of attorney;
- receipt of payment of utilities for the last month.
Application for issuing a certificate in form 9 we have.
Sample application for reference in form 9 Swing on our website.
Officially, this certificate has no longest statute. The update of the document is required only if there have been changes in the composition of those registered in the specified territory. However, in some cases, this is especially true of real estate transactions, there is a checked rule - the certificate is valid for a month.Obtaining a certificate in form 9 is the usual thing, and there is no problem with issuing. Refuse can only for two reasons - if you provided not all documents or these documents do not meet the requirements.