How to write an application to the tax

How to write an application to the tax

Application to its tax inspection should be carried out on a special form that will comply with the issuable issue.

Filling out the application, correctly and reliably specify all the data. In the upper right corner, enter the required data on your tax authority and yourself. After the document header, set out your request, based on the articles of the Tax Code. Next, specify a list of attached documents (if available). You can enable the desired method for obtaining the requested documents. Put the date and signature.

The tax legislation is prescribed by the categories of citizens who have the right to claim tax deduction. Distinguish standard ( st. 218 NK RF), social ( article.219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), property ( art.220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), professional ( st. 221 NK RF) Tax deductions. Although in regulations and stipulated that such a statement may be made to the applicant in an arbitrary form, it is better to apply for a blank to its tax service. This will allow you to comply with a number of formal requirements and reduce the time of consideration of your documents.

When buying an apartment by her husband and wife without distinguished shares (in general joint property), the spouses have the right to distribute the property tax deduction among themselves in any respect. For example, you decided to distribute the deduction in the 100: 0 ratio. The recipient of the damage due must apply with information on the decision. At the same time, your second half will not lose the right to get deduction in the future.

If you decide to get a property deduction on personal income tax agent (employer), then you will have to contact the inspection with a request to confirm your right to property deduction.

Sometimes there are situations where the payer overpays the accrued amount of tax to the budget. Then the legislation makes it possible to take advantage of the right to test or refund remaining funds. To do this, you need to send an application for the return (standings) of overpaid funds.

The federal legislation partially relieves a certain category of citizens from making a full tax collection. Having received a letter notice of the need to pay a certain amount without taking into account benefits due to you, submit an appropriate application with documents to the inspection, which will confirm the presence of benefits.

If you decide to learn about the presence of debt to the budget, it will be necessary to issue an application for tax debt. For a statement with a request to issue a certificate about the status of payments for taxes, fees, penalties and fines, the inspection will send data with a list of specific numbers. When applying for the issuance of a certificate of performance of the obligation to pay taxes, fees and other things - text with the fact of the absence of either the presence of debt. Do not forget to specify the period for which you want to get information. The established form of the document does not exist. However, filling out the finished form, you will increase the rate of processing of the application and get the necessary information on the period.

In case of loss of part or all tax documents, contact the tax service asking them to restore.

On our site you can download blanks and samples of completed applications to the tax:

In each tax inspection hangs stands with sample documents. Choose the correct application form you will help the tax inspector.

Comments leave a comment
Vladislav. 02/12/2018 at 9:30

Where did you find such forms?


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