How to change birth certificate

How to change birth certificate

In some people there is a need to receive a new birth certificate. Many consider this procedure quite complicated, but its procedure is regulated by law in full. After reading all the steps, you can get a new testimony simply and quickly.

Replacing the document and the procedure for obtaining it is regulated by law " About acts of civil status" Get a new testimony can be based on:

  • Loss or disabilities;
  • If you need to make corrections;
  • When changing the surname, name or patronymic;
  • With the need for strokes in the column "Father".

The overall procedure for the replacement of the document is the same, but in each situation there are some nuances. Below is a step-by-step list of action for each of them.

Bringing unusable. If your evidence has deteriorated or lost, contact the registry office at its placement. If this is not possible, contact the registry office at the place of your stay. Take with you the passport of parents or your passport if you are eighteen years old. You will be asked to write a special statement. Replacement will be performed on the day of circulation. But if you turned to another registry office, you will have to wait a few days until the second instance is sent by mail. According to the article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian FederationThe size of the state duty in this case is 350 rubles.

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The need for changes. If the document issued errors were found, you should change it immediately. As in the first case, contact the registry office at the place of registration or place of residence. You will be asked to write an application. If you asked the registry office at the place of issue of the certificate, you will replace it immediately. If not - will have to wait. Department staff will advise you when you can pick up a new document. According to the article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, The size of the state duty in this case is 650 rubles. Increased payment is due not only to the replacement of the document, but patching.

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Change the name, surname or middle name. If the child is under 14 years of age, parents have the right to change his name. You must first apply to the guardianship authorities and to bring your passport and birth certificate. If the child is 10 years old, it should also take with you. You will be asked to write a statement and would consider it for a month. If so, you will be given a certificate of name change. After this contact the Registry Office at the place of issue of the certificate or of his stay. You will be asked to write a statement and produce a replacement within a few days. In all other cases, in connection with a change of name, surname or middle name, birth certificate does not change - only a passport. According to the article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian FederationSize of state duty in this case is 1600 rubles.

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Putting a dash in the "father". Single mothers laid benefits. In this regard, many aspire to change the child's birth certificate in order to avoid the recording of his father. In accordance with Article 52 RF IC, It is necessary to challenge the paternity of the child. Go to court and write statement of claim exception of his father write. If the claim is satisfied, the registry office staff will make the replacement of the document on the basis of a court decision.

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To avoid problems associated with the replacement of the document, carefully take it into its receipt (for your children). Carefully check each letter. In order not to change it because of "nozzles", store documents in a special folder.

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