Where to get a certificate of income

Where to get a certificate of income

A certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL is most often required when making a bank loan. Depending on the type of activity, this help can be obtained by several paths.

2-NDFL is an official document that indicates your income and amounts of taxes, which was deducted from wages. If you are officially employed, refer to the management of the company in which you work with the request. Write a statement where you specify the reason why a certificate is needed and for what time. The guide will give a request to the accounting department. There you will make a certificate in the form, the head will sign, will register it in the book of outgoing documents, after which - will give you into hand.

Introduction form 2-NDFL Download on our website.

Application for receipt of income certificate You can download here.


If your income is not official, you can take a free-form income certificate. You must fill this form in the bank's separation. At the same time you must confirm that you get a "gray" salary. However, in any case, your manager must sign this form, for which not every head agrees. After all, in this way, he will put his firm under the tax inspectorate for issuing wages "in envelopes".

Sample Free-form income certificate Download on our website.

Filled free form income certificate - Download here.

The unemployed, which are registered at the employment center, you can get a certificate of the received social payments. Those who do not work at the moment and at the same time not registered at the employment center, it is possible to provide an employment record and copies of its earnings with entry records and dismissal instead of income.

Remember that in the income certificate it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise, its code, legal and actual address, phone numbers, signatures of the director and accountant, print, number and date of the outgoing document, your name, start date, Code INN, income size for the last 3 or 6 months.

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