If you decide to take a large loan, then you should be ready for force majeure circumstances. If the situation is such that you are not able to make the payment on time, you should not hide from banking workers. You have the right to contact the financial institution by writing a statement on the restructuring of a loan or deferment of debt payment, which is called credit holidays. In addition, you can ask for cancellation of fines.
An application to the bank can be composed in free form. After writing a bank employee must assign him a number. Also, the original and its copy will be certified.An application for the provision of credit holidays, debt restructuring or penalties has the following structure:
- Document's name;
- Statement number;
- Reasons for the appointment of credit holidays, restructuring or canceling fines and penny;
- Please postpone loan payments (restructured debt, cancel fines) and promise to pay later than the established time;
- Date;
- Signature.
Application Blank You can download from us.
- The disease that caused disability is temporary or permanent. With appropriate certificates from the hospital. You will also need a doctor's conclusion.
- Loss of the breadwinner, if there are minor children in the family. The application is filed with the child's birth certificate. Do not forget the help of the death of the breadwinner.
- Loss of work if there is a copy of the employment record.
- Reducing income, if one family member went on maternity leave (attach a certificate).
An example of a filled statement to the bank Check out on our website.
And finally, remember: in the event of a vacation or transfer of the date of issue, it is impossible to count on the fact that the bank will take an indulgent position, and it is not worth writing a statement.