The issue of retirement is very concerned about both the employees of pre-pension or retirement age and their employers. To a greater extent, due to the fact that neither the one nor the other party want to be deceived or to admit the gross violation regarding the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Although essentially there is nothing complicated and incomprehensible in this matter. The dismissal of a pensioner is a regular working time with small distinguishing nuances that we will consider in this article.
As you know, in Russia in the near future do not plan to change retirement age Neither for the male population, nor for women. And, therefore, men can still quit in connection with the onset of retirement age after the execution of 60 years, and women after overcoming the age-related border of 55 years (by the way, this is the earliest period of the retirement age compared to other countries). Pay attention to the word "can", i.e. The accomplishment of this action, namely the dismissal, should occur only at the request of the newly minted pensioner and only so. And this fact should not depend on the will and preferences of the employer. In any case, it says the article 80 TC RF. Thus, it turns out that if you are already approaching the retirement age, or we are already worthwhile to wear the proud status of the honorary pensioner, you can write an application for dismissal at your own request. Do you really want it? Of course, if you are full of vital energy, you will be honored in a team and health does not need calm and not overloaded working troubles of life, then continue to work further, as they say, "for the benefit of the Fatherland" and transfer their invaluable experience with young personnel. An example of a statement for the dismissal of a pensioner here.
Application form on the dismissal of a pensioner here.
An example of an order to dismiss a pensioner we have.
The order form for the dismissal of a pensioner on our website.

An example of a collective agreementdownload here.
Blank collective agreement on our website.
Example note-calculation here.
Blank note-calculation we have.
Personal Card Filling Example here.
Blank personal card On our portal.
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