How to assure your labor book

How to assure your labor book

The procedure for assurance of a working book duplicate is pretty quickly. The main thing is to put the corresponding marks on each page.

To reine the copy of the workbook, you will need to contact the personnel department of your company. If this unit is absent in the small organization, it is not possible to correctly make a copy of the copy of the employee who monitors compliance with the procedure for maintaining, accounting, storing and issuing books. Most often, the execution of this function is assigned to the accountant. The law does not prohibit the certification and director of the institution.

To start on A4 paper, all filled workbook pages are photocopied - from the page with information about the document owner before information about its current job. Only one reversal of the book should be copied to the sheet.

On the last copy of the workbook reversal, immediately behind the receipt of information about the reception on the current workplace, the next sequence number of the record fits into the "Record" column. Then the number, month and the year of the copy of the document is indicated. The next graph should be recorded: "Works to the present." Then it is indicated by the position of a certificate employee, its signature with decoding the surname and date is put.

At the next stage, guided by the current requirements for documenting documents, the correspondence of the duplicate of the document is certified. To do this, on all opened sheets, the authorized employee of the enterprise must put the inscription "right". Below, he records his position, puts a personal signature, decrypts it, indicates the date of the copies and stifles the print.


Observing the above requirements, a copy of the workbook will be considered decorated and have legal force.

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