How to assure documents

How to assure documents

Often, a citizen of Russia arises the need to assure any document. Or an organization is going to assure your copies of documents and discharge from them. In these different cases and certification occurs in different ways.

To assign the document, a private person should refer to the notary. The latter will assure a copy of the document if applied to bring with him the original that will be studied by a notary for its authenticity. Notaries are not fulfilled by all documents. For example, an extract from the employment record or all copies of her sheets are wrapped in an enterprise where a citizen works. If it is necessary to assign the document, then you can first call any law firm and find out what the competence includes the assurance of a document. On a legal Internet portal You can find information on which documents are assured by notaries.

Copies of enterprise documents that require their own certification must be certified according to existing rules of office work. Below the text document is written in a free place:

  • At the top - the word "right";
  • Below is the name of the position of the person who assures (director, accountant, the head of OK, etc.), his last name and place for signature;
  • The last name is the date when the document is assigned.

Below the number and signatures are the seal of the enterprise, with its part should be on the written. If the document that is assigned is in the selected folder, the so-called "case", then after the word "true" it is necessary to write that the original is in the case number __.

In the event that you need to make a multi-page document, you can do this in two ways. You can assure each sheet as described above, or assured the entire pack right away. For this, all sheets copies are numbered, starting with the numbers "1" and ending with the number corresponding to the last sheet. It is stitched by a harsh thread and from behind on the back of the last sheet to the ends of the threads, a paper seal 5 to 10 cm is glued.

On a seal, in addition to the position and surname of the witness, his signatures and guidelines, where the original multi-page document is located, the date of assurance, it is necessary to make an additional inscription. The inscription should look like this: "A total of 25 sheets, 25 sheets are stitched and completed." It is also necessary to print an enterprise on a paper seal, and it must be so that part of it is on the seal, and the part is on the sheet.


The certification of documents occurs in the event that the legislation requires. In order not to redo one or another document, it is necessary to assure it initially correctly.

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