Notarized translation of documents

Notarized translation of documents

Translation of documents may be needed in completely different cases. Most often, such documents are required in various government agencies.

Pension funds may require references from the place of previous work abroad. Going to work, in a country other than the one in which you received a diploma or other attestation documents, their certified translation should be brought. Upon receipt of a residence permit, work permits or accommodation, as well as upon receipt of a visa, it will be necessary to provide a translated identity card. In addition, it may be necessary to transfer the contract to be understandable to all participants in the transaction.

Accordingly, it will be necessary to translate all these references from a graduate translator. With that, in the diploma or license, it is the language on which the document is drawn up. A copy of all pages of the document is made, the translation is retracted. That is usually for those pages on which there are records. The following translation and copies are stitched and assigned to the interpreter signature and the seal of the linguistic center in the presence of a notary.

After the transfer of the document is completed, it is required to assure the notary. In some countries, there is an organization of jury translators who immediately constitute a legally significant translation of documents. We have no such institute yet. The notary conducts visual checks of the documents of the documents and actually only assures the signature of the translator, since it cannot check the content of the translation.

After translating and assurance, in some cases, additional confirmation of the authenticity of the document is required, for example, a state apostille. It is placed to recognize it in other countries. Specify whether it needs in those bodies where paper is required.

Although there are no accredited non-market translators, very often they work in a pair. For example, in linguistic centers specializing in the transfer of foreign documents and contracts. That is, there in one place you can immediately and transfer the document, and immediately assured it.

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