The joyful event is the emergence of a new little man into light accompanied by the troubles associated with the design of various documents.
Without registering a newborn in place of residence, you will not be able to make a medical policy on the child and get free medicines and nutrition. By law, the child is registered at the place of registration of the mother or father. It is not enough to present a birth certificate in the passport desk, other references and documents will be required.
If the parents of the baby are spelled out at different addresses, you need a certificate that the child is not registered at the place of registration of the second parent. The certificate is complemented by the statement that the Father or Mother agrees with the fact that the child will be registered at the selected address. The need for such a reference sometimes causes bewilderment and irritation, but the law has to be observed.
Perhaps you will be pleased with the fact that you do not need the consent of other housing owners, if any. The law stands on the side of the child, it is obliged to register even with the lack of number of square meters in the apartment. Best patience and photocopies. Communication with employees of the passport table is often problematic. The fact that a nursing mother has to sit in the queues, few people are worried. Little advice - make several photocopies at once on the necessary documents, because they will need to be needed in other places - to obtain citizenship, SNILS, social benefits, baby food.
In addition to statements from parents, a statement is written to registration on behalf of the baby with his signature. It is clear that he can still sign only diapers, so the application writes his representative - Mom or Dad.
Gathering in the passport desk, you must have originals and photocopies of the following documents with yourself:
certificate of the birth of a child;
marriage certificate;
parent passports;
the certificate that the child is not registered to another address in case parents are registered at different addresses.
Copies must be assured by the head of the REO, then you can go to the passport table and apply.
Having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat documents need, you can avoid unnecessary hiking in the passport desk. Do not tighten with a propical newborn - in this case, you violate the law and you will be imposed a fine, the illegality of which is difficult to challenge.
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