How to write a description of the student

How to write a description of the student

The characteristic of the student is an assessment of psychological, social, personal traits of a schoolboy, his mental abilities, skills and skills. It is issued in a free style, but still there are separate requirements that should be observed.

The characteristic is drawn up to provide an educational institution or for a new teacher to make a primary acquaintance with the student as comfortable as possible. The characteristic will help the teacher to find an individual approach to the disciple, understand its interests, hobbies, the main directions of spiritual, scientific, social development.


A single template characteristic is not provided. Usually it is written on a piece of paper A-4 format, it can be framed on the branded educational form. The characteristic can be represented by three species: psychological, pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical. From above, the name of the document (characteristic) should be specified, and below in the free order indicate all the information that can be useful. Traditionally, this document consens such information:

  • general data on the student (date of birth, name, the name of the educational institution, class, city);
  • the level of academic performance, priorities in studies (favorite items), features of intellectual development and perception of information;
  • hobbies of the student, his interests, hobbies (which circles or the section visits, what success achieved);
  • health status;
  • personal qualities of the student, character, psychological development, volitional qualities, temperature features;
  • communicability: Attitudes with other students, teachers (respects, indifferent, despises);
  • the level of sociability (whether it takes to participate in class), claims, self-esteem;
  • moral and ethical qualities;
  • family composition (full / incomplete), family relationships, family values, participation of parents in the upbringing and teaching of the child.


At the bottom, the characteristic assures the signature of the class teacher and director of the educational institution (if the document is intended for another school). Opposite each signature indicates its decryption. Be sure to set the date of the characteristics.

If it is necessary to make a characteristic of the student in the draft board, this is done by about the same template. At the top of the center should write a name - (characteristic). The following is the general information about the student (FULL NAME, the date of birth, when he studied in what institutions, the school number, where he studies now, in which class). Further indicates information about the composition of the family: the name of both parents, the date of their birth, where and by whom they work.


Then it should be described in the family, the nature of the student, its performance, compliance with discipline. If the child goes into mugs, sections, you can specify this information. At the bottom there is a mark that the characteristic is prepared for the military registration and enlistment office. The director and the class teacher put their signatures, deciphering signatures. Specifies the date of writing characteristics.

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6 Sama

Write a description to the student is not difficult. The main thing is to understand what he has the qualities that he is interested in and fascinates.

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Elmira 08/30/2016 at 17:17

how to write a psychological and medical and pedagogical characteristic for a student entering the Suvorov school.


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