How to write a description

How to write a description

In whatever field of activity you work, you may need to write a characteristic at any time. For this, it is not necessary to be a professional psychologist, but observation and impartiality is necessary. A good characteristic always relies on the facts, has a logical structure and is drawn up taking into account the goals of the request. Consider how to write a description correctly.

Characteristic, like any official document, has a clear structure. Although there are no uniform requirements dictated by legislation, there is no mandatory list of items that must be specified in the document. So, any official report contains a cap, the bulk, date and signature.


Characteristics cap contains the name, the outgoing number, the date of compilation. This includes the data on the accounting person: the name of the enterprise or other institution that issues the characteristics of the body, the legal address, contact details.


Next, the name of the document "Characteristic" is written in the middle and describes the information about a person. The content of this item is significantly varied in different situations and depends on the purpose of documenting the document. Thus, the characteristic of the applicant, when taking a job, should foresee its potential as a future employee and give to understand the leadership, how much the candidate corresponds to the tasks assigned to him. But, for example, the service of guardianship and guardianship will more interest the actual qualities of the parent and his attitude towards the child, the stability of the psyche, the absence or presence of precedents of violence in the past, etc. The following data, called questionnaire, are required when it is required to write a feature: FULL NAME, date of birth, marital status, education, occupied position, etc.


In conclusion, as always, the author of the document is indicated by his last name, name and patronymic, puts the signature and print. In some cases, not only the compiler is signed here, but also director.

No name-4

There is an internal and external characteristic to an employee. Internal is drawn up for manual and remains within the firm. This characteristic may be required when admission of a candidate for work, when appointing a valid employee to another position, when making a decision on measures for recovery or promotion, etc. The external characteristic is written on request, which may be submitted judicial instance, guardianship and guardianship authorities, banking and educational Institutions, others. The characteristic may ask for a person himself for its purposes, for example, for admission to the university.

Before you write a feature, try to look at the person you characterize not biased, leaving a personal assessment. Describe it quality, life path, achievements and negative deeds, depending on the purpose of the requested characteristics. Sometimes a person can be asked to write a characteristic on himself. To give it to the head or submitted the request to organizations, of course, is not worth it. This short essay will help you to estimate the person characterized more deeply, it is better to understand its values \u200b\u200band how he perceives himself. It will help you make a forecast that you should expect from it in the future.

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It makes it possible that no one reads the characteristics, and you can not try much. But practice shows that it is not. In most cases, especially if the request for the characteristic is served from the outside, it is studied quite in detail. If you have to write a description, go to this most responsible. Indeed, to some extent, your conclusion is able to influence the fate of a person.

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