How to write a characteristic of a child

How to write a characteristic of a child

The characteristic of the child may be needed for various reasons - on the occasion of release from a preschool or, for example, when moving from one school to another. In any case, to write full and correct characteristics, you need to cover all the areas of the personality of the pupil and adhere to certain recommendations. These rules will be discussed in the article.

The work of any class manager provides for the compilation of the characteristics of the student in the form of a selection of psychological and pedagogical qualities of the child. In educational practice, psychological and pedagogical har-ki are also found. They are the most common. So, any characteristic begins with the display of general information about the student. To do this, specify its data (full name, date of birth), information about parents and family composition (full / incomplete).

Next Try to make up the most complete verbal portrait of a child and display it on paper. The student must be examined in advance in detail to display all the nuances of physical development in the characteristic - to indicate its general condition, and if there are any diseases. With the child's gravity to a certain type of sport, be sure to emphasize this fact. Perhaps an indication of awards or achievements in any sports competition.

Character 6.

At the next stage, reflect the family education of the child, the conditions for its residence, more detailed information about parents (place of work, financial condition, etc.) and their participation in the life of a schoolboy. Be sure to express your opinion, indicating the existing facts and ways to receive them. Interests out of school and student hobbies devote a separate paragraph. Describe in it than the child is interested in, his hobby, as learns school material, what items it is easier for it, what position it takes in the classroom. Specify the child's ratio to criticism (hostile, indifferent, etc.).

Character 5.

Pay attention to the intellectual side of the school development. Here, specify its participation in studies in principle and a separate attitude to certain subjects. Perhaps the child has already highlighted professional intentions, all subtleties need to be displayed in the selection. Do not forget to evaluate the morality of the student, its adequacy, emphasize the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200band volitional qualities, relationship with other children and the emotional side in the process of study (aggressiveness, cheerfulness, etc.). The conclusion of any characteristic will be conclusions. Therefore, briefly summarize the above information and make recommendations for the activities for which a selection is created.

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Sometimes the characteristics are required to consider the identity of the child on specific consultations or commissions (PMPC), for example, with various deviations, severe child failure. Their goal is to appoint a certain course of treatment or submit recommendations by members of the Commission. To compile the characteristics on the PMPC, you need to provide information on the development / rejection of the child, which is provided for consideration on the consultation and reflect in the characteristics of the conclusion of doctors. Read more details on the recommendations on this account on the site of the Center for Psychological and Medical Social Maintenance.

Examples of the characteristics on the PMPK download on our site:

The preparation of the characteristics of the child of preschool age is engaged in an educator. With this segment of children are related to their features. First of all, the assessment is given on a preschooler in conditions, it is familiar and comfortable - conversations are held, drawings and children's crafts are analyzed, simple surveys are created in the form of testing. At this stage, study the children more from the psychological side - give an assessment of their behavior on the results of personal observation, and also find out the motives that prompted the child to anyway. Consider such activities such as game, household, educational, communication. Pay attention to the artistic development and ability to work. According to the structure of the compilation of a child preschooler similar to the one that is given to a child of school age and is described above.

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This article discusses the existing characteristics on children, their types, writing structures, nuances of compilation, summarized their examples. Relying on all this, write an excellent characteristic of the child will not be much difficult.

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