How to write an appeal

How to write an appeal

According to statistics, the number of decisions of the court, which are canceled by appeal instances, is very small. Therefore, if the district court was made a decision with which you disagree, the first thing to be done - to study in detail the process of writing the appeal. Of course, it should have serious grounds for her filing - indicating the facts that violate the norms of procedural law. Let's figure it out how to competently arrange such an appeal.

The appeal is a procedural form of a document that allows you to challenge the unlawful decision of the court, which has not yet entered into legal force. The right to its preparation is there any participant in the process - the accused, the victim, the prosecutor and other persons participating in the case. They can act as appellants and other persons who are not related to the process, if the judicial act was adopted about such powers. The procedural right distinguish two types of appeals:

  1. Full. In this case, the case is revised from the very beginning and essentially.
  2. Incomplete. This procedure provides for the verification of the decision of the court of first instance only for its legality and validity.

but article 327.1 of the CGP (Civil Procedure Code) Regulated consideration of only incomplete appeal.

Court rulings do not take effect immediately after their submission. The legislator gives a deadline for their appeal - one month from the date of the decision of the Court ( art. 321 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). There is an exception: the decision on administrative violations can be challenged in a compressed 10-day term. In the event that the appeal period is missing, it can be restored by submitting an interested party statement with a valid reason for skipping ( art. 112 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). To submit such a petition, you need to meet in a 6-month period after the date of sentencing.

Petition to restore the deadline for appeal here.

A sample of a completed application with a request to restore the deadline of appeal here.

Consider complaints submitted in the judicial body which rendered the final judgment in the first instance. During the next three days of the appeal together with the case is sent to a higher court, which is to dismantle it. There is a procedure under which distributed the right to hear appeals courts. For example, solutions, accepted the world court, considered only district courts.

Russian law does not set specific requirements concerning the preparation of the appeal, except the mentioning that it must be in writing. Therefore, the content of such a procedural document should be based on the general rules and requirements for workflow article 322 CCP RF.


  • The "cap" of the document, specify: name of the judicial authority, which appealed; these vessels, which was adopted the contested decision; information about the appellant, indicating his place of residence; information of all stakeholders; data on the order of the court (the date of the decision, its number, etc.).
  • In the center write type of document - "Appeal" and proceed to the presentation of their claims. free - style of writing. All their thoughts describe as briefly and to the point, indicating the essence of the content of the complaints and demands and arguments Reinforce foundations and facts.
  • Complete list of complaint attached documents.
  • At the end of the appeal must be handwritten signature of the appellant. The document may be signed by a representative of the presence of confirmation of such powers.

Such a complaint should not contain spelling, syntax, and other errors. Remember that other parties may file an objection to the appeal, so clearly confirm his every argument. Then the desire to draw up such a request will disappear by itself.

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The winning of the case in the appeal is half depends on the competent and professional preparation of the complaint, the second half of success is this workshop presentation of its arguments. Therefore, to make a document that meets the above requirements, it is better to turn to an experienced lawyer.

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