How to write a complaint for a doctor

How to write a complaint for a doctor

Today, you can still meet patients, dissatisfied with the quality of medical services, the attitude of doctors and so on. Therefore, any person can lay out his indignation and discontent in a complaint about the doctor. How to make a complaint letter correctly to be considered?

As such, there are no requirements. To start writing the complaint is necessary from the cap, where the requisites of the applicant, address, surname, name, etc. are indicated. There is no requirements for the text. First of all, you indicate the date and medical institution where your rights have been violated, as well as all the information about the doctor.

Outlist the essence of the problem in concise form and in fact. If in your address was made of obscene statements, they do not need to list them. Make only focus on it. Remember that the guilt of the doctor will not install the patient, but the authorized organs.

In the final part of the letter, ask for an inspection, but just do not demand to dismiss or plant a doctor. It will not be superfluous if you focus on the laws of patient protection, it will show your legal literacy. At the bottom of the complaint, put the signature and date. Be sure to make a copy.

A complaint is submitted to any organization that protects patient rights and controls medical facilities: chief physician, head of the department, Regional Department of Health, Ministry of Health, Prosecutor's Office, Court, and Other. Remember the reliable way to send - mail (custom letter with a receipt notice).

Do not be afraid to defend yourself and your rights. Only so we can hope for high-quality medical services and normal attitude towards patients.




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