How to write a complaint about a neighbor

How to write a complaint about a neighbor

In apartment buildings, such a tenant often comes across, which is conducting a restless or asocial lifestyle - noise, arranges nightly feast or a litter in the entrance. What if such a neighbor caught you? To begin with - try to talk to him and solve the problem yourself. If you still fail to calm your neighbor - write a complaint against him to the competent authorities. Let's talk about such a statement in the detail.

Where to complain

To write a statement about your discontent on the unaffordial neighbor is needed in certain instances and in the case.

Consider several typical cases:

  1. Noise and resting at night. When this happens, know that the legislation is on your side. After all, the noise level, according to Act of administrative responsibility For such violations, there should be no more than 30 dB. For reference: noise from a vacuum cleaner exceeds 45 dB. Therefore, call 02 first and fix your discontent. In the future, when writing a complaint, the Protocol will be a good evidence composed by employees of the local department. The application for neighbors in this case needs to be written, referring to the authorized precinct. To do this, contact the nearest police station, given the schedule of his work.
  2. Neighbors grow into the house. If your comments made by the observers of sanitary and hygienic standards do not help - complain about Rospotrebnadzor. In parallel, you can ask for a precinct to write out the appropriate protocol.
  3. Pets interfere with calm life with loud lare and shy in the entrance. To solve such a problem, you need to contact the local housing and operational organization. This instance is engaged in the control of pets.

Preparation for writing a statement

When the state structure is defined for circulation, it is time to take care of the collection of evidence. Having facts on hand, the probability of solving misunderstandings with neighbors will increase at times. Such confirmations can be:

  • protocol;
  • video recording, fixing the fact of violation;
  • audio recording confirming your claims;
  • witness's testimonies.

Tip: Enlighten your neighbors' support. Surely someone from them the debosshire prevents the same way as you. The collective complaint has the chance of being heard much more.

Compile complaint

Half of success in trying to calm the violent neighbor is a competent complaint design. It does not matter, under the competence of which state structure is your appeal, the style of writing a statement is the same. A sample or a certain algorithm in writing such a claim does not exist, it is compiled in free form. However, there are certain rules for the workshop, which must be followed:

  • In the upper right corner, make a "header" of the document in which you specify the name of the official, your personal data (name, address) and the contact phone number.
  • In the center write a statement / complaint with a brief indication of its essence. For example, a "complaint of a violation of law enforcement".
  • Start the description of the problem. Fix in the text of the document all the data on the short-circuit neighbor. As a last resort, write his address. It is worth describing a conflict situation in chronological order, indicating specific dates, time and personal data involved in it.
  • Try to refer to the "letter of the law". Most often quoted article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (clause 3) The fact that the rights and freedoms of citizens should not be violated by other persons. In addition, with any housing offense, you can refer to Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Ask the Guardians of the order to solve your problem with your neighbors and put your own signature at the end of the document.

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Results of written appeal

According to the rules of legislation, a period of 10 days has been set up for consideration. No later than this period from the district must come official response. If the police officer reluctantly deals with your statement or simply does not fulfill its duties - it can also be compared to his leaders, to the higher authorities or the prosecutor's office. The last court can be a global court, but, as a rule, when it is mentioned, the conflict is permitted in your favor.

If the next toes of neighbors poison your life - you should not tolerate, you need to complain. It is important to determine whether your actions are supported by law. When the claims are reasonable, be sure to contact the necessary instances. Then, with competent registration of the application, your complaint will be heard.

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